released this
01 Nov 15:10
180 commits
to master
since this release
Tests expecting move-construction currently fail.
any.t.cpp(216): failed: any: Allows to in-place move-construct from value (C++11): v.state == moved_from for 10 == 9
any.t.cpp(249): failed: any: Allows to in-place move-construct from initializer-list (C++11): any_cast<InitList>( a ).s.state == move_constructed for 3 == 4
any.t.cpp(305): failed: any: Allows to move-assign from value (C++11): any_cast<V>( a ).state == moved_from for 3 == 9
any.t.cpp(340): failed: any: Allows to move-emplace content (C++11): any_cast<pair_t>( a ).second.state == move_constructed for 3 == 4
any.t.cpp(378): failed: any: Allows to move-emplace content from intializer-list (C++11): any_cast<InitList>( a ).s.state == move_constructed for 3 == 4
any.t.cpp(460): failed: make_any: Allows to in-place move-construct any from arguments via make_any() (C++11): any_cast<pair_t>( a ).second.state == move_constructed for 3 == 4
any.t.cpp(493): failed: make_any: Allows to in-place move-construct any from initializer-list via make_any() (C++11): any_cast<InitList>( a ).s.state == move_constructed for 3 == 4
7 out of 37 selected tests failed.