A react-native module for Google AdMob GADBanner, DFPBanner and GADInterstitial (react-native v0.19.0 or newer required).
The banner is implemented as a component while the interstitial has an imperative API.
npm i react-native-admob -S
react-native link
- Add Google AdMob Framework to your Xcode project with CocoaPods or manually. This is only needed for iOS and guarantees your app is using the newest admob version.
npm i react-native-admob -S
- Add Google AdMob Framework to your Xcode project with CocoaPods or manually. This is only needed for iOS and guarantees your app is using the newest admob version.
- Add react-native-admob static library to your Xcode project like explained here. (Step 3 of this guide is not needed)
npm i react-native-admob -S
- Make the following additions to the given files:
include ':RNAdMob', ':app'
project(':RNAdMob').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-admob/android')
dependencies {
compile project(':RNAdMob')
In MainActivity.java on top, where imports are:
import com.sbugert.rnadmob.RNAdMobPackage;
Under protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new RNAdMobPackage()
In MainAplication.java on top, where imports are:
import com.sbugert.rnadmob.RNAdMobPackage;
Under protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new RNAdMobPackage()
import {
} from 'react-native-admob'
// Display a banner
didFailToReceiveAdWithError={this.bannerError} />
// Display a DFP Publisher banner
admobDispatchAppEvent={this.adMobEvent} />
// Display an interstitial
// Display a rewarded ad
For a full example reference to the example project.
Corresponding to iOS framework banner size constants
Prop value | Description | Size |
banner |
Standard Banner for Phones and Tablets | 320x50 |
largeBanner |
Large Banner for Phones and Tablets | 320x100 |
mediumRectangle |
IAB Medium Rectangle for Phones and Tablets | 300x250 |
fullBanner |
IAB Full-Size Banner for Tablet | 468x60 |
leaderboard |
IAB Leaderboard for Tablets | 728x90 |
smartBannerPortrait |
Smart Banner for Phones and Tablets (default) | Screen width x 32 |
smartBannerLandscape |
Smart Banner for Phones and Tablets | Screen width x 32 |
Note: There is no smartBannerPortrait
and smartBannerLandscape
on Android. Both prop values will map to smartBanner
Corresponding to Ad lifecycle event callbacks
Prop |
adViewDidReceiveAd() |
didFailToReceiveAdWithError(errorDescription) |
adViewWillPresentScreen() |
adViewWillDismissScreen() |
adViewDidDismissScreen() |
adViewWillLeaveApplication() |
Same as AdMobBanner, except it has an extra event prop:
|'admobDispatchAppEvent()' |
This handles App events that Admob/DFP can send back to the app. More info here: https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/dfp/android/banner#ios_app-events
Name | Description |
setAdUnitID(adUnitID) |
sets the AdUnit ID for all future ad requests. |
setTestDeviceID(deviceID) |
sets the test device ID |
requestAd(callback) |
requests an interstitial and calls callback when interstitialDidLoad orinterstitialDidFailToLoad event fires |
showAd(callback) |
shows an interstitial if it is ready and calls callback when interstitialDidOpen event fires |
isReady(callback) |
calls callback with boolean whether interstitial is ready to be shown |
For simulators/emulators you can use 'EMULATOR'
for the test device ID.
Note: tryShowNewInterstitial()
is deprecated as of v1.1.0 and can be replaced by calling requestAd
with showAd
as callback.
Unfortunately, events are not consistent across iOS and Android. To have one unified API, new event names are introduced for pairs that are roughly equivalent.
iOS | this library | Android |
interstitialDidReceiveAd |
interstitialDidLoad |
onAdLoaded |
interstitial:didFailToReceiveAdWithError |
interstitialDidFailToLoad |
onAdFailedToLoad |
interstitialWillPresentScreen |
interstitialDidOpen |
onAdOpened |
interstitialDidFailToPresentScreen |
interstitialWillDismissScreen |
interstitialDidDismissScreen |
interstitialDidClose |
onAdClosed |
interstitialWillLeaveApplication |
interstitialWillLeaveApplication |
onAdLeftApplication |
Note that interstitialWillLeaveApplication
and onAdLeftApplication
are not exactly the same but share one event in this library.
Opens a rewarded AdMob ad.
Name | Description |
setAdUnitID(adUnitID) |
sets the AdUnit ID for all future ad requests. |
setTestDeviceID(deviceID) |
sets the test device ID |
requestAd(callback) |
requests a rewarded ad |
showAd(callback) |
shows a rewarded if it is ready |
iOS | this library | Android |
rewardBasedVideoAd:didRewardUserWithReward |
rewardedVideoDidRewardUser |
onRewarded |
rewardBasedVideoAdDidReceiveAd |
rewardedVideoDidLoad |
onRewardedVideoAdLoaded |
rewardBasedVideoAd:didFailToLoadWithError |
rewardedVideoDidFailToLoad |
onRewardedVideoAdFailedToLoad |
rewardBasedVideoAdDidOpen |
rewardedVideoDidOpen |
onRewardedVideoAdOpened |
rewardBasedVideoAdDidClose |
rewardedVideoDidClose |
onRewardedVideoAdClosed |
rewardBasedVideoAdWillLeaveApplication |
rewardedVideoWillLeaveApplication |
onRewardedVideoAdLeftApplication |
- Support Ad Targeting
- Also use interstitial event names for banner
- PublisherBanner [DFPBanner/PublisherAdView should be able to accept multiple adSizes. Currently only caters for a single size]