If you are looking for an openHAB integration of the Entertain/MagentaTV Media Receiver you should check the native TelekomTV binding: https://github.com/markus7017/org.openhab.binding.telekomtv
Small script to control the Telekom Entertain Receiver with openHAB
Usage: sudo ./entertain_control.sh on | off | status | presskey [log]
status = display power status on = switch on off = switch off presskey = send key , k='P' will press the power button
Use the log option to reditect the log to stdout. Otherwise /usr/share/openhab2/log/entertain_control.log will be used.
Please note:
The script reflects my scenario and doesn't have the target to be a universal implementation supporting all types of Android TVs. Is was tricky to get everything running, esp. the fact that the TV is accepting the ADB connection. I'm not a bash expert, so maybe some optimizations and more specific error handling could be supplied. Looking forward to any contribution. I could also provide some scripts for waking up a Apple-TV or controlling the Telekom Entertain Receiver. If you are interested feel free to cantact me.
Also check https://github.com/markus7017/AndroidTV_Control for control of Android TVs with openHAB.
HappySmartHoming & have fun, Markus