Unbound DNS is an excellent DNS server to run at home and your own network. One of the important features of Unbound DNS is Response Policy Zones. Using RPZ functionality Unbound DNS can pass or block managed DNS entries. This can be used to manage block ads, trackers and any unwanted domains. What is missing from Unbound implementation is the utility to configure and load lists containing domains list that do not follow RPZ format. For example, domain lists with the format " somedomin.com" or " mydomain.org" are not RPZ format and cannot be used with Unbound.
Provided here zone-load.sh script can be used to manage domain lists and auto reload Unbound when a given list has changed or was updated. The utility is able to convert non-rpz format domain lists into proper rpz format, thus allowing unbound to use them. The file is using existing Unbound configuration to read domain lists, download updated list and to reload Unbound when domain lists have been updated.
Best practice is to create a separate configuration file (zone.conf in our example) listing all domain lists you like, then include the file in unbound.conf. Initialy you should run zone-load.sh -c zone.conf manually in order to download domain lists and create files. Then, include zone.conf in unbound.conf and finaly restart unbound itself. After runing zone-load.sh -c zone.conf edit unbound.conf and as a last line add the following line and restart unbound. include: "/etc/unbound//zone.conf"
Here is a simple example.
name: blockhost
zonefile: /Users/Files/scripts/unbound/rpz.blockhost.txt
name: urlhause
url: https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/rpz/
zonefile: /Users/Files/scripts/unbound/rpz.urlhause.txt
name: stevenblack
#url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts
zonefile: /Users/Files/scripts/unbound/rpz.stevenblack.txt
name: smart-tv
zonefile: /Users/Files/scripts/unbound/rpz.smart-tv.txt
The zone.conf file must be included in unbound.conf with the folowing
include: "/etc/unbound//zone.conf"
With the following example domain lists "smart-tv" and "blockhost" are static lists. It means these are managed by administrator manually. Here is an example of "blockhost" file.
$TTL 6h
@ SOA rpz.blockhost.local. admin.rpz.blockhost.local. (373545058 6h 1h 1w 2h)
NS localhost.
; RPZ manual block hosts
cookielaw.org CNAME .
eclipsetrumpets.us CNAME .
niltibse.net CNAME .
stawhoph.com CNAME .
worldhomeoutlet.com CNAME .
From the zone.conf file we can see another example of Unbound RPZ "urlhause". This rpz entry will be proceeses and file updated automatically by unbound itself. Since Unbound supports standrd rpz this is automaticly refreshed and reloaded.
Not all domain lists are published in rpz format and therefor we need ways to import these lists properly into unbound. zone-load.sh utility do just that. Look at the example of "stevenblack" domain list. This list is not in rpz format. The utility will convert the list to rps format and also check if the file has changed before downloading it again. Its important to note that zone-load.sh will look for #url tags to download the zone file. It will only download the file if the source file has chaged since last download. Also, if new file is downloaded only that specific unbound zone will be reloaded thus unaffecting unbound cache and other zones.
It is recommended to invoke zone-load.sh form cron periodically but you can run it manually. To execute zone-load.sh from cron inclue the following in cron job but change the directory name where the file exists.
*/30 * * * * /etc/unbound/zones/zone-load.sh -c zone.conf