is an educational, cloud based, interpreter and ide for a simple pseudocode-like programming language used in greek schools. is in production mode during the last 6 years and is being successfully used by thousands of greek teachers and students in secondary and undergraduate college education. is a pet project developed without funding (mostly as a proof of concept) in order to facilitate learning (both of the developer and the users) and is considered experimental. consists of a client application written in actionscript 3 and a backend in php 5. Those two components communicate with Zend_Amf.
- Adobe Flex Framework version 3.6a
- Zend Framework version 1
- Flight Framework
- swfobject
- DejaVu monospaced fonts
- undo-textfields
- Tango project icons
- Edit src/pseudoglossa/ and provide the server url of the server/ .
- Edit outputFolderLocation and rootURL compiler options in .actionScriptProperties.
- Edit projectDescription -> linkedResources -> link -> location in .project and provide the build output folder.
- Building the project should generate a Pseudoglossa.swf file under the bin-debug folder defined in the previou step.
- Use server/schema.sql and create a new mysql database.
- Download and install Zend Framework
- Put folder server/ in a path accessible by the web server
- Put Pseudoglossa.swf inside
- Copy server/pseudoglossa folder in the filesystem of the server and point APPLICATION_PATH in in that folder. Alter include_path in order to load Zend_Framework if needed.
- Edit server/pseudoglossa/application/configs/application.ini and provide the correct settings.
- Point your browser in server url of file server/ The swf file should load. Try to create a new account in order to test the functionality of the server.
- is distributed under the GPLv3.