bbcelite-websites Public
Static content for generating the bbcelite.com website
elite-over-econet Public
Updated versions of Elite on the BBC Micro, BBC Master and 6502 Second Processor that load over Econet and support multiplayer scoreboards
Fully documented and annotated source code for the disc version of Elite on the BBC Micro
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the BBC Micro with a 6502 Second Processor
elite-source-code-library Public
A library repository that contains documented and buildable source code for every version of Elite on bbcelite.com
Fully documented and annotated source code for Angus Duggan's Elite-A on the BBC Micro
elite-source-code-bbc-master Public
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the BBC Master
bbcelite-scripts Public
Scripts for generating the bbcelite.com website and associated repositories
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Acorn Electron
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Commodore 64
elite-source-code-apple-ii Public
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Apple II
elite-source-code-nes Public
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
elite-source-code-bbc-micro-cassette Public
Forked from kieranhj/elite-beebasmFully documented and annotated source code for the cassette version of Elite on the BBC Micro
Fully documented and annotated source code for Lander on the Acorn Archimedes
elite-compendium-bbc-micro Public
Source for the Elite Compendium on the BBC Micro, a collection of the best Acornsoft Elite hacks on one disc
elite-compendium-bbc-master Public
Source for the Elite Compendium on the BBC Master, a collection of the best Acornsoft Elite hacks on one disc
elite-universe-editor Public
Create 3D scenarios in Elite on the BBC Micro and Commodore 64 and “press play” to see them come alive
c64-elite-flicker-free Public
A patch for Commodore 64 and Plus/4 Elite that removes the flicker
teletext-elite Public
BBC Micro Elite… in teletext
revs-source-code-bbc-micro Public
Fully documented and annotated source code for Revs on the BBC Micro
Fully documented and annotated source code for Aviator on the BBC Micro
The Elite Universe Editor for the BBC Micro with a 6502 Second Processor
The Elite Universe Editor for the BBC Master
The Elite Universe Editor for the Commodore 64
A library repository that contains shared source code for the Elite Universe Editor on the BBC Micro, BBC Master and Commodore 64
elite-music Public
Forked from kieranhj/elite-musicA music ROM for Elite, updated to work with the original Acornsoft versions on the BBC Micro
dfsimage Public
Forked from monkeyman79/dfsimageBBC Micro Acorn DFS floppy disk image maintenance utility
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2021