Extract Stack / Pyramid and other metadata from GeoTIFFs as JSON.
The following should work on Ubuntu and Ubuntu for Windows.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install \
gdal-bin \
jq \
libimage-exiftool-perl \
libtiff-tools \
python3-pip \
$ virtualenv ~/.geotiffs
$ source ~/.geotiffs/bin/activate
$ git clone https://github.com/marklit/geotiffs ~/geotiffs
$ python -m pip install -r ~/geotiffs/requirements.txt
If you're using a Mac, install Homebrew and then run the following.
$ brew install \
gdal \
git \
jq \
libtiff \
$ virtualenv ~/.geotiffs
$ source ~/.geotiffs/bin/activate
$ git clone https://github.com/marklit/geotiffs ~/geotiffs
$ python -m pip install -r ~/geotiffs/requirements.txt
$ wget https://umbra-open-data-catalog.s3.amazonaws.com/sar-data/tasks/Suvarnabhumi%20International%20Airport,%20Thailand/79a1d617-8ca7-460a-9327-7f5e3b2f2ba4/2024-05-19-02-50-10_UMBRA-05/2024-05-19-02-50-10_UMBRA-05_GEC.tif
$ python main.py stack 2024-05-19-02-50-10_UMBRA-05_GEC.tif
"Compression Scheme": "LZW",
"Photometric Interpretation": "min-is-black",
"Planar Configuration": "single image plane",
"Predictor": "none 1 (0x1)",
"Sample Format": "unsigned integer",
"stack_num": 1,
"width": 16001
"Compression Scheme": "LZW",
"Photometric Interpretation": "min-is-black",
"Planar Configuration": "single image plane",
"Predictor": "none 1 (0x1)",
"Sample Format": "unsigned integer",
"Subfile Type": "reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1)",
"stack_num": 2,
"width": 8000
"Compression Scheme": "LZW",
"Photometric Interpretation": "min-is-black",
"Planar Configuration": "single image plane",
"Predictor": "none 1 (0x1)",
"Sample Format": "unsigned integer",
"Subfile Type": "reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1)",
"stack_num": 3,
"width": 4000
"Compression Scheme": "LZW",
"Photometric Interpretation": "min-is-black",
"Planar Configuration": "single image plane",
"Predictor": "none 1 (0x1)",
"Sample Format": "unsigned integer",
"Subfile Type": "reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1)",
"stack_num": 4,
"width": 2000
"Compression Scheme": "LZW",
"Photometric Interpretation": "min-is-black",
"Planar Configuration": "single image plane",
"Predictor": "none 1 (0x1)",
"Sample Format": "unsigned integer",
"Subfile Type": "reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1)",
"stack_num": 5,
"width": 1000
"Compression Scheme": "LZW",
"Photometric Interpretation": "min-is-black",
"Planar Configuration": "single image plane",
"Predictor": "none 1 (0x1)",
"Sample Format": "unsigned integer",
"Subfile Type": "reduced-resolution image (1 = 0x1)",
"stack_num": 6,
"width": 500
$ python main.py gdal 2024-05-19-02-50-10_UMBRA-05_GEC.tif \
| jq -S .metadata.RPC
"ERR_BIAS": "-1",
"ERR_RAND": "-1",
"HEIGHT_OFF": "-30.6818097811395",
"HEIGHT_SCALE": "1414.21349937646",
"LAT_OFF": "13.6906792091218",
"LAT_SCALE": "0.0138548308976396",
"LINE_DEN_COEFF": "1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0",
"LINE_NUM_COEFF": "2.61534695853621e-06 0.263132800223868 -0.538642943205665 -0.800117562077938 -1.47036998375427e-05 0.00571980869423115 -0.00119222667629573 8.66752004926049e-05 0.000104518913615887 -0.00532577353969337 1.5155630971275e-05 -7.19242365120972e-07 -7.47120091794499e-07 0.000126862904847366 1.22257299441621e-07 1.45553396081263e-07 -2.46746735713754e-05 -3.77075506029703e-05 -1.13882636497056e-07 -8.36213204065099e-05",
"LINE_OFF": "8000",
"LINE_SCALE": "8182.26460167601",
"LONG_OFF": "100.750015998877",
"LONG_SCALE": "0.0141698426830041",
"SAMP_DEN_COEFF": "1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0",
"SAMP_NUM_COEFF": "2.75289226493849e-06 0.438695382055751 0.21430748317349 -0.872422240127794 -2.49432547473934e-05 0.00605647395335434 -0.00108062581688253 0.000118034972675139 0.000114413101413169 -0.00560586367490182 1.59505756268075e-05 -7.58716939369546e-07 -7.91115881815321e-07 0.000133534808544429 1.27118203863633e-07 1.45733335820918e-07 -2.59723503474079e-05 -3.96847036982472e-05 -1.18988204048819e-07 -8.80190866125779e-05",
"SAMP_OFF": "8000",
"SAMP_SCALE": "10046.4207057698"
If you already have a virtual environment installed then every few weeks, run the following to update the dependencies.
$ pip install -Ur requirements.txt