CakePHP although it allows for custom routes to change the URL in the users address bar, there wasn’t a suitable solution for developers to have “aliases” for the routes. Inspired by Ruby on Rails’ named routes CakePHP Named Routes was created.
It allows for developers to give an alias to their controllers and actions in a simply and intuitive kind of way. For example, previously if we wanted to link to a the users controller and edit action, we would have to write
<?= $html->link('Edit User', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'edit', 5)) ?>
With some simply setup of NamedRoute
<?= $html->link('Edit User', url('edit_user_path(5)')); ?>
The nice thing about this is edit_user_path refers back to a controller and action defined once elsewhere. If you’ve ever had to change the url, or move an action into another controller you’ll understand the headaches that it can cause.
The routes.php file allows you to alias the address in the users browser, but we the lowly developers still have to type long verbose lines of code to reference the controller, actions.
NamedRoute works along side (actually referencing the routes.php file) to bring the seperation that routes.php brings to the browser, to the developer.
Well quiet simply really.
First download and move named_route.php
into your app/config
You’ll need to include in your bootstrap config('named_route');
to ensure the config file gets loaded.
Next in your bootstrap (or wherever you want to) start setting things up.
NamedRoute offers a helper function called set
to define controller actions, and map them to named routes.
There are two ways to do this..
Firstly, if you stick to the standard bake actions (index, edit, delete, view, new) then you can simply do a
NamedRoute::set(array('users' => array('controller' => 'users') ));
This will give you the following routes
Route | Controller | Action | Resulting_url |
users_path | users | index | /users/ |
edit_user_path(3) | users | edit | /users/edit/3 |
new_user_path | users | new | /users/new |
delete_user_path(1) | users | delete | /users/delete/1 |
view_user_path(1) | users | view | /users/view/1 |
You’re most likely asking why “path” has to be appended to each NamedRoute, well its because its interchangeable with “url” to append the host to the start
so for the last example, the output will be as follows
Route | Controller | Action | Resulting_url |
users_url | users | index | |
edit_user_url(3) | users | edit | |
new_user_url | users | new | |
delete_user_url(1) | users | delete | |
view_user_url(1) | users | view | |
If your bucking the trend and giving your controller different action names then you have to write a little bit more code,
lets say for instance that we have “login” and “logout” actions that belong to the “users” controller, your namedroute will look like this
We would then have a the following routes
Route | Controller | Action | Resulting_url |
login_path | users | login | /users/login |
logout_path | users | logout | /users/logout |
We take care of that, by referencing the controller/action to the routes.php file and finding the correct url.
So for example,
Router::connect('/login', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login'));
bootstrap (namedroutes set)
'login' => array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login')
We would end up with
Route | Controller | Action | Resulting_url |
login_path | users | login | /login |
Its ever so simply! All you need to do is use the “url” alias function to retrieve the url for the named route.
For example,
Based on the above examples, if we wanted to get the login_path we would simple write
If we wanted the url
If we wanted to edit user whose id = 1
If you wanted to get to the index (list all users)
- Note that the index is plural (users), not (user)
If you wanted to do go to the admin users index (note the . seperation between the prefix and named route)
which will return /admin/users/
You can replace admin with anything else, i.e. url('sales.users_path')
just as long as you have the prefix set up in your routes.php file.
Ok well, to put it simply, in your route.php
file, add what you want the user to see
In your NamedRoute setup, add what you want to write.
There are methods which will assist in debugging / building your named routes.
The first is NamedRoute::debug()
which will output the NamedRoute object. This is usefull if you want to see how the routes are stored
The second is NamedRoute::routes()
which will output a HTML table, showing all of the named routes, the corresponding url from the routes.php file, and the controller and action associated
An example output of NamedRoute::routes()
Route | _ Url | _ Controller | _ Action |
root | /home_page/ | home_page | index |
login | /users/login/ | users login | |
logout | /users/logout/ | users | logout |
users | /users/ | users | index |
homes | /homes/ | homes | index |
view_user | /users/view/ | users | view |
add_user | /users/add/ | users | add |
edit_user | /users/edit/ | users | edit |
delete_user | /users/delete/ | users | delete |
view_home | /homes/view/ | homes | view |
add_home | /homes/add/ | homes | add |
edit_home | /homes/edit/ | homes | edit |
delete_home | /homes/delete/ | homes | delete |
I moved a few actions from one controller to the next, and links were scattered everywhere through out the site. Coming from Rails, I knew how namedRoutes would of made sure I didn’t have this problem, so I set out to recreate the functionality.
None that I know of, but I’m sure you guys and girls out there will let me know when you find something.