- The Orchestrator Function is triggered by an HTTP POST request contaning one or more hostnames.
- The Orchestrator instantly replies with 202 Accepted and a link in the response body, where the status can be queried.
- Query the public IP address of the Application Gateway, using the Azure REST API.
- Check if the hostname received is resolving to the IP address of the Application Qateway. (Directly with an A record or through another hostname using a CNAME record.)
- Start an ACME order with the ACME endpoint (aka. start the process with the CA).
- Start the process.
- Get the validation file.
- Upload the validation file to Azure Blob Storage. (A path based rule should direct HTTP traffic there from the Application Gateway. Path:
)- Upload the file.
- Answer the ACME challenge (let the CA know thet the file is uploaded).
- Wait for the validation (the CA will check the file - this is async, so we regularly poll the CA if it is ready).
- Delete the validation file.
- Create a new Certificate in Azure Key Vault and get the CSR (Certificate Signing Request).
- Finalize the ACME order (send the CSR to the CA and get back a private key).
- Merge the certificate created in Key Vault with the private key from the CA and upload this to Key Vault.
- Configure the Application Gateway.
- Create a new HTTPS Listener with the newly created certificate in Key Vault.
- Create a Request Routing Rule to route traffic to the predefined (in configuration) backend.
- ACME endpoint (likehttps://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/
- Account email to the ACME server.TenantId
- Azure Tenant ID containing all the resources and the managed services identity.SubscriptionId
- Azure Subscription ID containing all the resources.ApplicationGatewayResourceGroup
- Name of the Resource Group containing the Application Gateway.ApplicationGatewayName
- Name of the Application Gateway resource.ApplicationGatewayHttpSettingsName
- Name of the HTTP Setting the new Request Routing Rules should use.ApplicationGatewayBackendName
- Name of the Backend Pool where the new Request Routing Rule should route traffic to.BlobContainerUrl
- Absolut URL of the container where the/.well-known/acme-challenge/*
path is mapped in the Application Gateway.KeyVaultBaseUrl
- Base URL of the Key Vault.
- Enable managed service identity (MSI) for the Azure Function.
- Assign the role
ANDStorage Blob Data Contributor
to the Storage Account for the MSI. - Assign the role
to the Application Gateway for the MSI. - Assign the role
to the Public IP Address of the Application Gateway for the MSI. - The Application Gateway must have a user assigned managed identity and the following permissions to the Key Vault:
- Assign the role
ANDManaged Identity Operator
to the user assigned managed identity for the Function's managed service identity.
POST /api/AddCertificateFunctions_HttpStart
Content-Type: application/json
"hostnames": [
{ "hostname": "example.com" }
POST /api/AddMultipleCertificatesFunctions_HttpStart
Content-Type: application/json
"hostnames": [
{ "hostname": "example1.com" }
{ "hostname": "example2.com" }
POST /api/AddCertificateWithPrivateKeyFunctions_HttpStart
Content-Type: application/json
"hostnames": [
"hostname": "example.com",
"privatekey": "MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9<REDACTED>93hzWePHJjijf/peknS",
"certificate": "MIIFVjCCBD6gAwIBAgIS<REDACTED>+utpV2U/yKdSSC7eDbjNE4="
"id": "<instance_id>",
"statusQueryGetUri": "https://<function_name>.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/<instance_id>?taskHub=<hub_name>&connection=Storage&code=<code>&returnInternalServerErrorOnFailure=true",
"sendEventPostUri": "https://<function_name>.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/<instance_id>/raiseEvent/{eventName}?taskHub=<hub_name>&connection=Storage&code=<code>",
"terminatePostUri": "https://<function_name>.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/<instance_id>/terminate?reason={text}&taskHub=<hub_name>&connection=Storage&code=<code>",
"purgeHistoryDeleteUri": "https://<function_name>.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/<instance_id>?taskHub=<hub_name>&connection=Storage&code=<code>"
"name": "AddCertificateFunctions",
"instanceId": "<instance_id>",
"runtimeStatus": "Running",
"input": "example.com",
"customStatus": {
"status": "CreateCertificateStep",
"message": "Creating certificate.",
"error": null
"output": null,
"createdTime": "2020-03-24T21:51:49Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2020-03-24T21:52:03Z"
"name": "AddCertificateFunctions",
"instanceId": "<instance_id>",
"runtimeStatus": "Completed",
"input": "example.com",
"customStatus": {
"status": "Completed",
"message": "Certbot function successfully completed.",
"error": null
"output": null,
"createdTime": "2020-03-24T21:51:49Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2020-03-24T21:52:11Z"
- The Function is queued and will be started soon.Running
- The Function is running. Check the state incustomStatus
- The Function has completed.Failed
- An internal error has occuered. Log the response body into the ticket manager (output
contains more info about the exception).
- A custom status. More info.message
- A human readable format of the status. You can display this on the frontend.error
- Ifstatus
this field will contain the error code. More info.
- Getting Application Gateway public IP address.CheckDnsResolutionStep
- Checking whether the hostname is resolving to the Application Gateway.GetAcmeOrderStep
- Starting certificate request process with the Certificate Authority.GetAcmeHttp01ChallengeStep
- Getting hostname ownership verification challenge from the Certificate Authority.UploadValidationFileToBlobStorageStep
- Uploading hostname ownership verification file to Azure Blob Storage.AnswerAcmeHttp01ChallengeStep
- Verifying hostname ownership.CheckAcmeOrderStep
- Waiting for hostname ownership verification.CreateCertificateStep
- Creating certificate.DeleteValidationFileFromBlobStorageStep
- Deleting verification files from Azure Blob Storage.ConfigureApplicationGatewayStep
- Configuring Application Gateway to use the new certificate.Completed
- Certbot function successfully completed.Failed
- An error has occured. Checkerror
- Importing certificate.
- Hostname is not resolving to the Application Gateway.HostnameOwnershipValidationFileNotFound
- ACME challenge http_01 validation file could not be found.HostnameOwnershipValidationFileNotValid
- ACME challenge http_01 validation file content is not valid.