Don't get scolded! Get stuff done!
No more Calling, Texting, Emailing your Maintenance Manager ... Then Calling, Texting, Emailing your Landlord to get that question answered, or repair addressed.
Stop pulling your hair out making sure you've answered every Call, Text, Email to every Tenant, Contractor, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, & Landscaping companies.
Landlords will find the registration link in the home page. Once registered, landlords are able to register properties and tenants and manage all their tisktasks in one place. TiskTasks are requests created by tenants on their dashboard.
If this symbol is highlighted, it means the LandLord has seen and approved the Tenant's Request. LandLords may update the tenant by clicking this symbol on the TiskTasks Page.
If this symbol is highlighted, it means the LandLord has scheduled to resolve the Tenant's Request. LandLords may update the tenant by clicking this symbol on the TiskTasks Page.
If this symbol is highlighted, it means the LandLord has encountered a hiccup in the process of resolving the Tenant's Request, and is actively working to resolve the issue. LandLords may update the tenant by clicking this symbol on the TiskTasks Page.
Matt Hefner - UI/UX | Concept Design
Marine Mekhakyan - React Developer
Bret Baker - Back End Developer