Project developed during <nlw ⁄> #04 by Rocketseat. is an application that uses the pomodoro technique to help people get more exercise while working. By completing the challenges / exercises you can level up.
- Countdown
- Xp count
- Levels
- Level sharing 🚧
├── public
│ ├── icons
├── src
│ ├── components
│ ├── contexts
│ ├── pages
│ ├── styles
│ └── components
│ └── pages
- /src/components -> React components of the app.
- /src/contexts -> Use of the context API of React.
- /src/pages -> The original pages folder created by Next.
- /src/styles -> Folder of the CSS.
- /src/styles/components -> Specific CSS to each component.
- /src/styles/pages -> Specific CSS to each page.
- Docs
- Estilo
- Responsividade
- Mudar cores e/ou criar temas
- Login c/ Github
- Hanking
- Compartilhar nível no Twitter