This utility is NOT secure and could execute arbitrary code if not handled safely.
A basic utility that transfers binary tonal-annotation files from the PAMGuard .pgdf format to the silbido binary tonal-annotation format.
The utility has been tested with Python 3.11.6 and R 4.3.1. For the utility to work, R must have the PamBinaries (tested 1.8.1), jsonlite, and magrittr (tested 2.0.3) libraries installed.
To call the utility, use
python3 source/binaries/directory destination/directory path/to/Rscript
The utility will execute "path/to/Rscript" under the presumption that R will be called. This is INSECURE because a user of this program could input an arbitrary command to be run. On windows, The file will likely be "Program Files\R\R-{R-version}\bin\Rscript.exe".
To get the full list of legal ways to call the utility, use
python3 -h
There are two PAMGuard binary files included for testing. To verify that the utility is working, use
.\ ./test-pamguard-binaries ./ /path/to/Rscript
The following files are included.
- Code to filter silbido annotations, that poor annotations be removed.
- PamguardBinariesToJson.R: An R script to read multiple PAMGuard binary tonal-annotation files and to generate a corresponding JSON file.
- The main program.
- The readme.
- Code to parse the JSON format resulting from PamguardBinariesToJson.R into a desireable data structure.
- test-pamguard-binaries: Contains two PAMGuard binary files with which to test this utility.
- silbidopy: A basic package to read and to write silbido binary annotation files.