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Day 1: Historian Hysteria


test_in <- 
"3   4
4   3
2   5
1   3
3   9
3   3"

(parsed_lists <- aoc_table(test_in, col.names = c("a", "b")))
#>   a b
#> 1 3 4
#> 2 4 3
#> 3 2 5
#> 4 1 3
#> 5 3 9
#> 6 3 3
#> 'data.frame':    6 obs. of  2 variables:
#>  $ a: int  3 4 2 1 3 3
#>  $ b: int  4 3 5 3 9 3

part1: diff of ordered list summed

# Ex: 11
parsed_lists |> 
  with(sort(a) - sort(b)) |> 
  abs() |> 
#> [1] 11

# Same with lapply() &
parsed_lists |> 
  lapply(sort) |> = `-`) |> 
  abs() |> 
#> [1] 11

part2: similarity score

Multiply each a with its count in b, sum

# Ex: 31
parsed_lists |> 
  with(table(b)[as.character(a)] * a) |> 
  sum(na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 31

Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports


test_in <- 
"7 6 4 2 1
1 2 7 8 9
9 7 6 2 1
1 3 2 4 5
8 6 4 4 1
1 3 6 7 9"

parsed_reports <- 
  aoc_lines(test_in) |> 
  strsplit(" ") |> 
#> List of 6
#>  $ : int [1:5] 7 6 4 2 1
#>  $ : int [1:5] 1 2 7 8 9
#>  $ : int [1:5] 9 7 6 2 1
#>  $ : int [1:5] 1 3 2 4 5
#>  $ : int [1:5] 8 6 4 4 1
#>  $ : int [1:5] 1 3 6 7 9

part1: count safe reports

Count strictly monotonic level sequences where step is at most 3

# Ex: 2
diff_within_tol <- \(x) all(abs(x) <= 3) 

diff_is_strictly_monotonic  <- function(x){
  signs <- sign(x) |> unique() 
  length(signs) == 1 && signs[1] != 0

parsed_reports |> 
  lapply(diff) |> 
  sapply(\(x) diff_within_tol(x) && diff_is_strictly_monotonic(x)) |> 
#> [1] 2

part2: tolerate a single bad level

# Ex: 4
parsed_reports |> 
    \(row) sapply(
      seq_along(row), \(idx) {
        dd <- diff(row[-idx])
        diff_within_tol(dd) && diff_is_strictly_monotonic(dd)
    ) |> any()
  ) |> sum()
#> [1] 4

Day 3: Mull It Over


corrupted_mem_1 <- aoc_lines("xmul(2,4)%&mul[3,7]!@^do_not_mul(5,5)+mul(32,64]then(mul(11,8)mul(8,5))")
corrupted_mem_2 <- aoc_lines("xmul(2,4)&mul[3,7]!^don't()_mul(5,5)+mul(32,64](mul(11,8)undo()?mul(8,5))")

part1: add up real mul() instructions

# Ex: 161
corrupted_mem_1 |> 
  lapply(\(line) regmatches(line, gregexpr("(?<=mul\\()\\d+,\\d+(?=\\))", line, perl = TRUE))[[1]]) |> 
  unlist() |> 
  strsplit(",") |> = rbind) |> 
  `class<-`("numeric") |> 
  print() |> 
  apply(1, prod) |> 
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> [1,]    2    4
#> [2,]    5    5
#> [3,]   11    8
#> [4,]    8    5
#> [1] 161

part2: handle do() & don't() instructions

Find locations for do() & don't() matches, split input text index range by do/don't intervals, keep only do ranges by checking first values in splits against dos; return only matches where start value is within do_ranges.

# Ex: 48
do_matches <- function(x){
  dos <- c(1, gregexpr("do\\(\\)", x, perl = TRUE)[[1]])
  donts <- gregexpr("don't\\(\\)", x, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  dd_splits <- split(1:nchar(x), findInterval(1:nchar(x), sort(c(dos, donts)))) 
  do_ranges <- dd_splits[sapply(dd_splits, `[`, 1) %in% dos] |> = c)
  matches <- gregexpr("(?<=mul\\()\\d+,\\d+(?=\\))", x, perl = TRUE)
  regmatches(x, matches)[[1]][matches[[1]] %in% do_ranges]

corrupted_mem_2 |> 
  paste0(collapse = "") |> 
  do_matches() |> 
  strsplit(",") |> = rbind) |> 
  `class<-`("numeric") |> 
  print() |> 
  apply(1, prod) |> 
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> [1,]    2    4
#> [2,]    8    5
#> [1] 48

Day 4: Ceres Search


test_in <- 

m <- 
  aoc_lines(test_in) |>
  strsplit("") |> = rbind)
#>       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#>  [1,] "M"  "M"  "M"  "S"  "X"  "X"  "M"  "A"  "S"  "M"  
#>  [2,] "M"  "S"  "A"  "M"  "X"  "M"  "S"  "M"  "S"  "A"  
#>  [3,] "A"  "M"  "X"  "S"  "X"  "M"  "A"  "A"  "M"  "M"  
#>  [4,] "M"  "S"  "A"  "M"  "A"  "S"  "M"  "S"  "M"  "X"  
#>  [5,] "X"  "M"  "A"  "S"  "A"  "M"  "X"  "A"  "M"  "M"  
#>  [6,] "X"  "X"  "A"  "M"  "M"  "X"  "X"  "A"  "M"  "A"  
#>  [7,] "S"  "M"  "S"  "M"  "S"  "A"  "S"  "X"  "S"  "S"  
#>  [8,] "S"  "A"  "X"  "A"  "M"  "A"  "S"  "A"  "A"  "A"  
#>  [9,] "M"  "A"  "M"  "M"  "M"  "X"  "M"  "M"  "M"  "M"  
#> [10,] "M"  "X"  "M"  "X"  "A"  "X"  "M"  "A"  "S"  "X"

part1: count occurrences of “XMAS”

Can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, also written backwards.

  • generate a list of array indices for left-to-right and diagonals (main diag. + parallel to main)
  • extract strings through array indices, count “XMAS” occurrences
  • rotate matrix 3x, extracting and counting in every cycle
# Ex: 18

# Generate a list of array indices to subset rows, main diagonal and its parallels from a matrix
# @param sqr_m_dim Square matrix dimension (row or column count)
# @param min_diag_length minimum diagonal length, > 1 excludes corners
# @returns List of array indices
make_arrind_lst <- function(sqr_m_dim, min_diag_length = 1){
  m_seq <- 1:sqr_m_dim

  # parallel to diag, lower triangle
  diag_lower_tri <- 
      1:(sqr_m_dim - min_diag_length), 
      \(x) cbind(row = tail(m_seq, -x), col = head(m_seq, -x))
  # upper triangle
  diag_upper_tri <- lapply(diag_lower_tri, \(arr_ind) arr_ind[,2:1])
    # rows, left to right
    row = expand.grid(row = 1:sqr_m_dim, col = 1:sqr_m_dim) |> 
      split(1:sqr_m_dim) |> 
    lo = rev(diag_lower_tri),
    # main diagonal
    diag = list(cbind(row = 1:sqr_m_dim, col = 1:sqr_m_dim)), 
    up = diag_upper_tri

# rotate matrix
rotate_cw <- \(m) t(apply(m, 2, rev))

search_word <- "XMAS"
arrind_lst <- make_arrind_lst(dim(m)[1], min_diag_length = nchar(search_word))

# test with un-roatet matrix
lapply(arrind_lst, \(arr_ind) paste0(m[arr_ind], collapse = "")) |> str()
#> List of 23
#>  $ row.1 : chr "MMMSXXMASM"
#>  $ row.2 : chr "MSAMXMSMSA"
#>  $ row.3 : chr "AMXSXMAAMM"
#>  $ row.4 : chr "MSAMASMSMX"
#>  $ row.5 : chr "XMASAMXAMM"
#>  $ row.6 : chr "XXAMMXXAMA"
#>  $ row.7 : chr "SMSMSASXSS"
#>  $ row.8 : chr "SAXAMASAAA"
#>  $ row.9 : chr "MAMMMXMMMM"
#>  $ row.10: chr "MXMXAXMASX"
#>  $ lo1   : chr "SAMX"
#>  $ lo2   : chr "XMXMA"
#>  $ lo3   : chr "XXSAMX"
#>  $ lo4   : chr "MMAMMXM"
#>  $ lo5   : chr "ASAMSAMA"
#>  $ lo6   : chr "MMASMASMS"
#>  $ diag  : chr "MSXMAXSAMX"
#>  $ up1   : chr "MASAMXXAM"
#>  $ up2   : chr "MMXSXASA"
#>  $ up3   : chr "SXMMAMS"
#>  $ up4   : chr "XMASMA"
#>  $ up5   : chr "XSAMM"
#>  $ up6   : chr "MMMX"

counts <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 4)
for(i in seq_along(counts)){
  if (i > 1) m <- rotate_cw(m)
  counts[i] <- 
    sapply(arrind_lst, \(arr_ind) paste0(m[arr_ind], collapse = "")) |> 
    stringr::str_count(search_word) |> 
    print() |> 
#>  [1] 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
#>  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
#>  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
#>  [1] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
#> [1] 18

part2: find two “MAS” in the shape of an X

Search for “A”-locations (3x3 sub-matrices), exclude cases that are on the edge and check if we can get “MS” or “SM” from both diagonals.

# Ex: 9

# Example "MAS" to search for:
# M.S
# .A.
# M.S

which(m == "A", arr.ind = TRUE) |> |> 
  # exclude edge locations
  subset(!(row %in% c(1, nrow(m)) | col %in% c(1, ncol(m)))) |> 
  # split by row, add dim attributes to get valid array index
  asplit(1) |> 
  lapply(array, dim = 1:2) |> 
    # check 3x3 sub matrix corners
    paste0(m[arr.ind + c(1, 1)], m[arr.ind + c(-1,-1)]) %in% c("MS", "SM") & 
    paste0(m[arr.ind + c(1,-1)], m[arr.ind + c(-1, 1)]) %in% c("MS", "SM")  
  }) |> 
#> [1] 9

Day 5: Print Queue

library(igraph, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

test_in <- 


parsed_lst <- 
  aoc_lines(test_in) |> 
  strsplit("[|,]") |>
  {\(l) split(l, cumsum(lengths(l) == 0))}() |> 
  setNames(c("rules", "updates")) |> 
  lapply(\(x) x[lengths(x) > 0])

str(parsed_lst, list.len = 3)
#> List of 2
#>  $ rules  :List of 21
#>   ..$ : chr [1:2] "47" "53"
#>   ..$ : chr [1:2] "97" "13"
#>   ..$ : chr [1:2] "97" "61"
#>   .. [list output truncated]
#>  $ updates:List of 6
#>   ..$ : chr [1:5] "75" "47" "61" "53" ...
#>   ..$ : chr [1:5] "97" "61" "53" "29" ...
#>   ..$ : chr [1:3] "75" "29" "13"
#>   .. [list output truncated]

part1: count correctly ordered updates

Updates must comply all ordering rules, a rule 47|53 means that if both pages occur in update, 47 must be printed before 53, though not essentially immediately before 53. Elves need to know the middle page number of each correct update, answer is some of those.

  • use pages in rules as edge lists (to-from) to build a graph
  • generate a sequence of vertex pairs from rules and check if all are adjacent
  • check rule compliance, subset valid updates, extract middle page, sum
# Ex: 143
check_page_order <- function(pages, g){
  # 75,47,61,53,29 -> from = 75, to = 47; ... ; from = 53, to = 29
    from = head(pages, -1), 
    to = pages[-1],
    FUN = \(from, to) are_adjacent(g, from, to) 

g <- 
  parsed_lst$rules |> = rbind) |> 

rule_compliance <- sapply(parsed_lst$updates, check_page_order, g = g)
is_valid <- sapply(rule_compliance, all)

parsed_lst$updates[is_valid] |> 
  sapply(\(x) x[ceiling(length(x) / 2)]) |> 
  as.numeric() |> 
#> [1] 143

  list(mar = c(0,0,0,0)),
  plot(g, layout = layout_in_circle)

part2: fix failed updates

Swap 1st failed location and next position until rule check passes

# Ex: 123
# 97,13,75,29,47 >> 97,75,47,29,13
  u  = parsed_lst$updates[!is_valid], 
  rc = rule_compliance[!is_valid], 
  FUN = \(u, rc) {
    while (!all(rc)){
      inv_idx <- which.min(rc)
      u[c(inv_idx, inv_idx + 1)] <- u[c(inv_idx + 1, inv_idx)]
      rc <- check_page_order(u, g)
    u[ceiling(length(u) / 2)] |> as.numeric()
) |> sum()
#> [1] 123

Day 6: Guard Gallivant


test_in <- 
m <- 
  aoc_lines(test_in) |> 
  strsplit("") |> = rbind)

dbg_print <- function(obstr_pos, start_pos, m, msg = ""){
  m[obstr_pos] <- "O"
  m[start_pos] <- "^"
  cat(msg, obstr_pos) |> message()
  rbind(c(1:9,0),m) |> 
    cbind(c(" ",1:9,0), y = _) |> 
    apply(1, paste0, collapse = "|") |> 
    paste0(collapse = "\n") |> 
    paste0("\n") |> 
    cat() |> 

part1: predict the guard’s route

Predict guards path starting from ^ (indicates direction) until she leaves the map area and count distinct positions.
When facing obstacles , #, guard starts to turn clockwise.

  • navigation helper to get next location from current directiion & position
  • mark current position in m with X, turn until path ahead is clear move forwards
  • repeat until subscript out of bounds error (guard has left map area)
# Ex: 41

# navigation helper
nav <-  list(
  u = list(trn = "r", nxt = \(pos) pos + c(-1, 0)),
  r = list(trn = "d", nxt = \(pos) pos + c( 0, 1)),
  d = list(trn = "l", nxt = \(pos) pos + c( 1, 0)),
  l = list(trn = "u", nxt = \(pos) pos + c( 0,-1))

pos <- start_pos <- which(m == "^", arr.ind = TRUE)
dir <- "u"
    m[pos] <- "X"
    while(m[nav[[dir]]$nxt(pos)] == "#") dir <- nav[[dir]]$trn
    pos <- nav[[dir]]$nxt(pos)
#> Error in m[nav[[dir]]$nxt(pos)] : subscript out of bounds

dbg_print(NA, start_pos, m)
#>  NA
#>  |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0
#> 1|.|.|.|.|#|.|.|.|.|.
#> 2|.|.|.|.|X|X|X|X|X|#
#> 3|.|.|.|.|X|.|.|.|X|.
#> 4|.|.|#|.|X|.|.|.|X|.
#> 5|.|.|X|X|X|X|X|#|X|.
#> 6|.|.|X|.|X|.|X|.|X|.
#> 7|.|#|X|X|^|X|X|X|X|.
#> 8|.|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|#|.
#> 9|#|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|.|.
#> 0|.|.|.|.|.|.|#|X|.|.
sum(m == "X")
#> [1] 41

part2: count looping obstruction positions

Place new obstruction to catch guard in a loop, find number of suitable obstruction positions
Brute force though all previously marked locations (start point removed)

  • start with matrix from part1 (or original)
  • add an obstacle on to path
  • restart tracing from the start position, mark positions with current moving direction
  • if current position was already marked with current direction, we’ve created a loop
# Ex: 6

is_loop_obstruction <- function(obstr_pos, start_pos, m, nav){
  # obstr_pos input is likely a numeric vector of length 2, 
  # make it an array so it would work as an array index
  obstr_pos <- array(obstr_pos, dim = 1:2)
  m[obstr_pos] <- "#"
  pos <- start_pos
  dir <- "u"
      # return if we already have visited the same position from the same(!) direction
      if (m[pos] == dir) {
        # dbg_print(obstr_pos, start_pos, m, "loop obstr. @")
        # 1st loop obstr. @ 9 2
        #  |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0
        # 1|.|.|.|.|#|.|.|.|.|.
        # 2|.|.|.|.|u|r|r|r|r|#
        # 3|.|.|.|.|u|.|.|.|d|.
        # 4|.|.|#|.|u|.|.|.|d|.
        # 5|.|.|u|r|r|r|r|#|d|.
        # 6|.|.|u|.|u|.|d|.|d|.
        # 7|.|#|u|l|^|l|d|l|d|.
        # 8|.|X|u|X|X|X|d|X|#|.
        # 9|#|O|l|l|l|l|d|X|.|.
        # 0|.|.|.|.|.|.|#|X|.|.
      m[pos] <- dir
      while(m[nav[[dir]]$nxt(pos)] == "#") {
        dir <- nav[[dir]]$trn
      pos <- nav[[dir]]$nxt(pos)
    # out of bounds subscript, guard has found a way out
    error = \(e) FALSE

which(m == "X", arr.ind = TRUE) |> |> 
  print(max = 10) |>  
  subset(!(row == start_pos[,"row"] & col == start_pos[,"col"])) |> 
  apply(1, \(pos) is_loop_obstruction(obstr_pos = pos, start_pos = start_pos, m = m, nav = nav)) |> 
#>   row col
#> 1   8   2
#> 2   9   2
#> 3   5   3
#> 4   6   3
#> 5   7   3
#>  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 36 rows ]
#> [1] 6

Day 7: Bridge Repair


test_in <- 
"190: 10 19
3267: 81 40 27
83: 17 5
156: 15 6
7290: 6 8 6 15
161011: 16 10 13
192: 17 8 14
21037: 9 7 18 13
292: 11 6 16 20"

# make sure we'd not have to deal with scientific notation when coercing numeric to char  
options(scipen = 20)

calibration_df <- 
  test_in |>
  aoc_table(sep = ":", col.names = c("test_val", "equation"), strip.white = TRUE) |>
  within(equation <- strsplit(equation, " ") |> sapply(as.numeric))
#>   test_val      equation
#> 1      190        10, 19
#> 2     3267    81, 40, 27
#> 3       83         17, 5
#> 4      156         15, 6
#> 5     7290   6, 8, 6, 15
#> 6   161011    16, 10, 13
#> 7      192     17, 8, 14
#> 8    21037  9, 7, 18, 13
#> 9      292 11, 6, 16, 20

part1: detect correct equations

Detect which equations can produce test value. Numbers in equations are combined with operators (+, *), evaluated always from left to right. Use recursion to build equation tree

# Ex: 3749

# Recursively test equations, in each call take first 2 elements, 
# apply operator and pass it along with remaining equation values;
# if number of equation values is reduced to 2, check if it matches final value;  
# `||` to evaluate from left to right and stop

test_equation <- function(equation, test_val, debug_ = FALSE){
  if (debug_) paste0(equation, collapse = ", ") |> paste0(" ? ", test_val, "; ") |> message(appendLF = FALSE)
  if (length(equation) == 2){
    if (debug_) sprintf("sum : %d; prod : %d", sum(equation), prod(equation)) |> message()
    return( sum(equation) ==  test_val || prod(equation) ==  test_val )
      test_equation(c( sum(equation[1:2]), equation[-(1:2)]), test_val, debug_) ||  
      test_equation(c(prod(equation[1:2]), equation[-(1:2)]), test_val, debug_)
calibration_df |> 
  subset(subset = mapply(test_equation, equation, test_val, debug_ = TRUE), select = test_val) |> 
#> 10, 19 ? 190; sum : 29; prod : 190
#> 81, 40, 27 ? 3267; 121, 27 ? 3267; sum : 148; prod : 3267
#> 17, 5 ? 83; sum : 22; prod : 85
#> 15, 6 ? 156; sum : 21; prod : 90
#> 6, 8, 6, 15 ? 7290; 14, 6, 15 ? 7290; 20, 15 ? 7290; sum : 35; prod : 300
#> 84, 15 ? 7290; sum : 99; prod : 1260
#> 48, 6, 15 ? 7290; 54, 15 ? 7290; sum : 69; prod : 810
#> 288, 15 ? 7290; sum : 303; prod : 4320
#> 16, 10, 13 ? 161011; 26, 13 ? 161011; sum : 39; prod : 338
#> 160, 13 ? 161011; sum : 173; prod : 2080
#> 17, 8, 14 ? 192; 25, 14 ? 192; sum : 39; prod : 350
#> 136, 14 ? 192; sum : 150; prod : 1904
#> 9, 7, 18, 13 ? 21037; 16, 18, 13 ? 21037; 34, 13 ? 21037; sum : 47; prod : 442
#> 288, 13 ? 21037; sum : 301; prod : 3744
#> 63, 18, 13 ? 21037; 81, 13 ? 21037; sum : 94; prod : 1053
#> 1134, 13 ? 21037; sum : 1147; prod : 14742
#> 11, 6, 16, 20 ? 292; 17, 16, 20 ? 292; 33, 20 ? 292; sum : 53; prod : 660
#> 272, 20 ? 292; sum : 292; prod : 5440
#> [1] 3749

part2: add additional concat operator

Add another branch with new operator to equation tree;
This naive approach now takes ~2min with actual puzzle input, let’s switch to furrr for parallel processing.

# Ex: 11387
#> Loading required package: future

num_concat <- \(x) as.character(x) |> paste0(collapse = "") |> as.numeric()

test_verif2 <- function(equation, test_val){
  if (length(equation) == 2){
      num_concat(equation) == test_val || sum(equation) ==  test_val || prod(equation) == test_val
    test_verif2(c(num_concat(equation[1:2]), equation[-(1:2)]), test_val) ||  
    test_verif2(c(       sum(equation[1:2]), equation[-(1:2)]), test_val) ||  
    test_verif2(c(      prod(equation[1:2]), equation[-(1:2)]), test_val)

plan(multisession, workers = parallelly::availableCores(omit = 1))

calibration_df |> 
  subset(subset = future_map2_lgl(equation, test_val, test_verif2, .progress = TRUE), select = test_val) |> 
#> [1] 11387

Day 8: Resonant Collinearity


test_in <- 

m <- 
  aoc_lines(test_in) |>
  strsplit("") |> = rbind)

part1: find unique locations of antinodes

For each pair of antennas that share the same frequencey there’s a pair of antinodes. Use complex numbers for coordinates and calculate antinodes with a1 = z1 + (z1 - z2); a2 = z2 + (z2 - z1), remove results that are outside of map area

# Ex: 14

# z: a vector of complex numbers of length 2 holding coordinates for an antenna pair,
# vectorized form to calculate a1 = z1 + (z1 - z2); a2 = z2 + (z2 - z1)
antinodes <- \(z) 2*z[1:2] - z[2:1]

# locations from matrix to dataframe
antenna_locations <- 
  which(m != ".", arr.ind = TRUE) |> |> 
    freq <- m[cbind(row, col)]
    z    <- complex(real = col, imaginary = row)
#>   row col      z freq
#> 1   5   5  5+ 5i    0
#> 2   3   6  6+ 3i    0
#> 3   6   7  7+ 6i    A
#> 4   4   8  8+ 4i    0
#> 5   2   9  9+ 2i    0
#> 6   9   9  9+ 9i    A
#> 7  10  10 10+10i    A

# cycle through pairs of antennas within each frequency, 
# find antinodes and remove results that fall outside of map area,
# count unique locations
anti_locations <- 
  split(antenna_locations, ~freq) |> 
    \(df) {
      a <- combn(df$z, 2) |> apply(2, antinodes)
      a[Re(a) >= 1 & Re(a) <= ncol(m) & 
        Im(a) >= 1 & Im(a) <= nrow(m)]
anti_locations |> = c) |> 
  unique() |> 
#> [1] 14

part2: find more antinodes

Antinodes now occur at any grid position exactly in line with at least two antennas of the same frequency Each antenna pair forms a linear equation, y = i0 + tan(phi) * x, calculate y for every grid column (1:50).
Antenna pair is presented as a pair of complex numbers ( z1 & z2 ) and we are after a line that cuts though z1 & z2.

# Ex: 34
equations <- 
  split(antenna_locations, ~freq) |> 
    \(df) {
      # sorted combinations for consistency
      combn(df$z, 2, FUN = sort) |> 
      t() |> 
      `colnames<-`(c("z1", "z2")) |> |> 
        # slope from diff argument for slope 
        slope  <- tan(Arg(z2 - z1))
        # intercept (from similar triangles)
        intercept  <- Im(z1) - slope * Re(z1)
#> $`0`
#>     z1   z2 intercept      slope
#> 1 5+5i 6+3i 15.000000 -2.0000000
#> 2 5+5i 8+4i  6.666667 -0.3333333
#> 3 5+5i 9+2i  8.750000 -0.7500000
#> 4 6+3i 8+4i  0.000000  0.5000000
#> 5 6+3i 9+2i  5.000000 -0.3333333
#> 6 8+4i 9+2i 20.000000 -2.0000000
#> $A
#>     z1     z2     intercept    slope
#> 1 7+6i  9+ 9i -4.500000e+00 1.500000
#> 2 7+6i 10+10i -3.333333e+00 1.333333
#> 3 9+9i 10+10i  1.776357e-15 1.000000

# shape x-range as a matrix (n lines x matrix columns) for vectorized calculation  
y_pos <- 
  equations |> 
  lapply(\(df) with(df, intercept + slope * matrix(1:ncol(m), byrow = TRUE, ncol = ncol(m), nrow = nrow(df)))) |> = rbind)
round(y_pos, 2)
#>        [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5] [,6] [,7]  [,8]  [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
#>  [1,] 13.00 11.00  9.00  7.00  5.00 3.00 1.00 -1.00 -3.00 -5.00 -7.00 -9.00
#>  [2,]  6.33  6.00  5.67  5.33  5.00 4.67 4.33  4.00  3.67  3.33  3.00  2.67
#>  [3,]  8.00  7.25  6.50  5.75  5.00 4.25 3.50  2.75  2.00  1.25  0.50 -0.25
#>  [4,]  0.50  1.00  1.50  2.00  2.50 3.00 3.50  4.00  4.50  5.00  5.50  6.00
#>  [5,]  4.67  4.33  4.00  3.67  3.33 3.00 2.67  2.33  2.00  1.67  1.33  1.00
#>  [6,] 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00  4.00  2.00  0.00 -2.00 -4.00
#>  [7,] -3.00 -1.50  0.00  1.50  3.00 4.50 6.00  7.50  9.00 10.50 12.00 13.50
#>  [8,] -2.00 -0.67  0.67  2.00  3.33 4.67 6.00  7.33  8.67 10.00 11.33 12.67
#>  [9,]  1.00  2.00  3.00  4.00  5.00 6.00 7.00  8.00  9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00

# keep only near-integer positions ..
y_pos_rnd <- round(y_pos)
y_pos_rnd[abs(y_pos - y_pos_rnd) > 1e-6] <- NA
# .. that are still within map area
y_pos_rnd[!(y_pos_rnd %in% seq_len(ncol(m)))] <- NA
# total number of unique positions
apply(y_pos_rnd, 2, table) |> lengths() |> sum()
#> [1] 34


Antenna locations from input (filled), antinodes for part1 (circles) and part2 (diamonds) along with lines that intersect each same-frequency antenna pair and are described by equations.

plot_antinodes <- function(antenna_locations, equations){
  ufreq <- unique(antenna_locations$freq)
  pal <- 
    length(ufreq) |> 
    hcl.colors("Dark 2") |> 
  # input points (filled)
  with(antenna_locations, plot(z, pch = 20, cex = 5, col = pal[freq], xlim = c(1, ncol(m)), ylim = c(nrow(m), 1)))
  # lines 
  names(equations) |> 
    lapply(\(freq) apply(equations[[freq]], 1, \(row_) abline(row_["intercept"], row_["slope"], col = pal[freq], lty = 2))) |> 
  # input point labels
  with(antenna_locations, points(z, pch = freq, cex = 1.5, col = "white"))
  # points (part 2, diamond)
  for(x_pos in seq_len(ncol(y_pos_rnd))){
    y <- y_pos_rnd[,x_pos] |> na.omit() |> unique()
    x <- rep(x_pos, length(y))
    points(x, y, cex = 3, lwd = 2, pch = 5, col = "gray50")
  # part1 points, circles
  names(anti_locations) |>
      data.frame(freq, z = anti_locations[[freq]])
    }) |> = rbind) |> 
    with(points(z, pch = 1, cex = 5, lwd = 3, col = pal[freq]))
  grid(nx = ncol(m), ny = nrow(m))  
  list(mar = c(2,2,2,2)+.1, pty = "s"),
  plot_antinodes(antenna_locations, equations)

Day 9: Disk Fragmenter

library(tidyverse, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

options(scipen = 20)
test_in <- "2333133121414131402"

part1: increase continuous free space on disk

Compact files. File map is sequence of single-digit block counts, starting with file block count and followed by free block count; ID of each file is a file sequence, starting from zero. Move files 1 block a time from the end of disk to rightmost free block to fill all gaps, and calculate new disk checksum.

  • complete disk as a vector, NAs at free locations
  • keep track of disk state through 2 vectros, one for free blocks and another for used blocks
# Ex: 1928
prn_disk <- \(disk) paste0(disk, collapse = "") |> str_replace_all("NA", ".")
dbg_header <- function (disk){
  sprintf("idx %66s", paste0(rep(c(1:9,0), length.out = length(disk)), collapse = "")) |> message()
  sprintf("%70s", prn_disk(disk)) |> message()

# checksum: each block's position multiplied by file id, summed
# file ids for checksum start with 0
checksum <- \(disk) sum(disk * (seq_along(disk) - 1), na.rm = TRUE)

disk_map <- 
  aoc_lines(test_in) |>
  str_split_1("") |> 
  # append 0 to get even number of values for 2-col matrix
  as.numeric() |> c(0) |> 
  matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)  |> 
  `colnames<-`(c("len_file", "len_free")) |> 
  as_tibble() |> 
    # file id-s start from 0
    file_id = row_number() - 1,
    start_file = (cumsum(len_file + len_free) + 1) |> lag(default = 1),
    start_free = start_file + len_file,
    files = pick(len_file:file_id) |> pmap(\(len_file, len_free, file_id) c(rep(file_id, len_file), rep(NA, len_free)))
disk_map |> 
  mutate(files = map_chr(files, paste, collapse = ",")) |> 
  relocate(file_id, .before = 1)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 6
#>    file_id len_file len_free start_file start_free files         
#>      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>         
#>  1       0        2        3          1          3 0,0,NA,NA,NA  
#>  2       1        3        3          6          9 1,1,1,NA,NA,NA
#>  3       2        1        3         12         13 2,NA,NA,NA    
#>  4       3        3        1         16         19 3,3,3,NA      
#>  5       4        2        1         20         22 4,4,NA        
#>  6       5        4        1         23         27 5,5,5,5,NA    
#>  7       6        4        1         28         32 6,6,6,6,NA    
#>  8       7        3        1         33         36 7,7,7,NA      
#>  9       8        4        0         37         41 8,8,8,8       
#> 10       9        2        0         41         43 9,9

# whole disk, each item is single block, values are file id-s
(disk <- list_c(disk_map$files))
#>  [1]  0  0 NA NA NA  1  1  1 NA NA NA  2 NA NA NA  3  3  3 NA  4  4 NA  5  5  5
#> [26]  5 NA  6  6  6  6 NA  7  7  7 NA  8  8  8  8  9  9
# free block idxs to move files to
(head_free <- which(
#>  [1]  3  4  5  9 10 11 13 14 15 19 22 27 32 36
# used block idxs to move files from, reversed
(tail_used <- which(! |> rev())
#>  [1] 42 41 40 39 38 37 35 34 33 31 30 29 28 26 25 24 23 21 20 18 17 16 12  8  7
#> [26]  6  2  1

# loop through head_free & tail_used, 
# swap block in disk vector;
# stop when tail meets head
idx <- 1
  while (head_free[idx] < tail_used[idx]) {
    disk[c(head_free[idx], tail_used[idx])] <- disk[c(tail_used[idx], head_free[idx])]
    sprintf("%2s: disk[%2s] <-%s-> disk[%2s] %s", idx, head_free[idx], disk[head_free[idx]], tail_used[idx], prn_disk(disk)) |> message()
    idx <- idx + 1
#> idx                         123456789012345678901234567890123456789012
#>                             00...111...2...333.44.5555.6666.777.888899
#>  1: disk[ 3] <-9-> disk[42] 009..111...2...333.44.5555.6666.777.88889.
#>  2: disk[ 4] <-9-> disk[41] 0099.111...2...333.44.5555.6666.777.8888..
#>  3: disk[ 5] <-8-> disk[40] 00998111...2...333.44.5555.6666.777.888...
#>  4: disk[ 9] <-8-> disk[39] 009981118..2...333.44.5555.6666.777.88....
#>  5: disk[10] <-8-> disk[38] 0099811188.2...333.44.5555.6666.777.8.....
#>  6: disk[11] <-8-> disk[37] 009981118882...333.44.5555.6666.777.......
#>  7: disk[13] <-7-> disk[35] 0099811188827..333.44.5555.6666.77........
#>  8: disk[14] <-7-> disk[34] 00998111888277.333.44.5555.6666.7.........
#>  9: disk[15] <-7-> disk[33] 009981118882777333.44.5555.6666...........
#> 10: disk[19] <-6-> disk[31] 009981118882777333644.5555.666............
#> 11: disk[22] <-6-> disk[30] 00998111888277733364465555.66.............
#> 12: disk[27] <-6-> disk[29] 0099811188827773336446555566..............
#> [1] 1928

part2: move whole files instead of blocks

Move whole files in order of decreasing file ID number.

  • create another copy of a disk vector, disk_free_lenghts, to keep track of free locations
  • swap whole block ranges instead of individual disk blocks
# Ex: 2858
# used with pmap; len_file, len_free are column names in input df
free_lengths <- \(len_file, len_free, ...) c(rep(0, len_file), rev(seq_len(len_free)))

(disk <- list_c(disk_map$files))
#>  [1]  0  0 NA NA NA  1  1  1 NA NA NA  2 NA NA NA  3  3  3 NA  4  4 NA  5  5  5
#> [26]  5 NA  6  6  6  6 NA  7  7  7 NA  8  8  8  8  9  9
# generate disk_free_lengths from disk_map$len_file & disk_map$len_free 
(disk_free_lengths <- pmap(disk_map, free_lengths) |> list_c())
#>  [1] 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
#> [39] 0 0 0 0

# disk map ordered by descending file id 
rev_dm <- 
  disk_map |> 
  select(id = file_id, start = start_file, len = len_file) |> 
  arrange(desc(id)) |> 
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#>       id start   len
#>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1     9    41     2
#>  2     8    37     4
#>  3     7    33     3
#>  4     6    28     4
#>  5     5    23     4
#>  6     4    20     2
#>  7     3    16     3
#>  8     2    12     1
#>  9     1     6     3
#> 10     0     1     2

# loop though rev_dm rows, swap whole blocks in disk
for(rev_dm_ptr in seq_len(nrow(rev_dm))){
  f <- rev_dm[rev_dm_ptr,]
  free_ptr <- which.max(disk_free_lengths >= f$len)
  if (free_ptr > 1 && free_ptr < f$start) {
    from_range <- f$start:(f$start + f$len - 1)
    to_range <- free_ptr:(free_ptr + f$len - 1)
    disk[c(to_range, from_range)] <- disk[c(from_range, to_range)]
    disk_free_lengths[to_range] <- 0
      "%2s: disk[%5s] <-%s-> disk[%5s] %s", rev_dm_ptr,
      paste0(sprintf("%.2d", range(from_range)), collapse = ":"),
      paste0(sprintf("%.2d", range(to_range))  , collapse = ":"),
    ) |>
#>  1: disk[41:42] <-9-> disk[03:04] 0099.111...2...333.44.5555.6666.777.8888..
#>  3: disk[33:35] <-7-> disk[09:11] 0099.1117772...333.44.5555.6666.....8888..
#>  6: disk[20:21] <-4-> disk[13:14] 0099.111777244.333....5555.6666.....8888..
#>  8: disk[12:12] <-2-> disk[05:05] 00992111777.44.333....5555.6666.....8888..
#> [1] 2858

Day 10: Hoof It

library(igraph, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

test_in <- 

m <- 
  aoc_lines(test_in) |> 
  strsplit("") |> = rbind) |> 
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
#> [1,]    8    9    0    1    0    1    2    3
#> [2,]    7    8    1    2    1    8    7    4
#> [3,]    8    7    4    3    0    9    6    5
#> [4,]    9    6    5    4    9    8    7    4
#> [5,]    4    5    6    7    8    9    0    3
#> [6,]    3    2    0    1    9    0    1    2
#> [7,]    0    1    3    2    9    8    0    1
#> [8,]    1    0    4    5    6    7    3    2

part1: score hiking trail trailheads

Trail starts from elevation 0 and ends at elevation 9, it has even, gradual, uphill slope. Trailheads are points at elevation 0, trailhead score is the number of reachable elevation 9 points.

  • make directed lattice graph with mutual edges
  • height as vertex attribute
  • subgraph with only edges where elevation step is (+)1
  • for each height == 0 vertex, get a subcomponent reachable from that vertex, make it a subgraph
  • from each subgraph find shortest paths from height == 0 vertex (a single vertex) to every height == 9 vertex
  • count paths
# Ex: 36

# directed AND mutual graph, 2 directed edges between every adjecent vertex
g <- 
    lattice(dimvector = dim(m), directed = TRUE, mutual = TRUE),
      # x, y, color for plotting; reverse y to get the same visual layout as in input m
      height = as.vector(m),
      x = rep(1:ncol(m), each  = nrow(m)),
      y = rev(rep(1:nrow(m), times = ncol(m))),
      color = grDevices::terrain.colors(n = 10)[as.vector(m) + 1]
V(g)$name <- V(g)
E(g)$name <- E(g)

# use edge list (from / to) ...
as_data_frame(g) |> print(max = 12)
#>   from to name
#> 1    1  2    1
#> 2    1  9    2
#> 3    2  3    3
#> 4    2  1    4
#>  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 220 rows ]
# ... to get edges that link vertices where height difference is +1:
gradual_uphill_edges <- with(as_data_frame(g), V(g)$height[to] - V(g)$height[from] == 1)
g <- subgraph.edges(g, E(g)[gradual_uphill_edges])

# subgraphs for each vertex with height == 0
g_lst <- 
  V(g)[height == 0] |> 
  lapply(\(v) subgraph(g, subcomponent(g, v, mode = "out"))) 

# paths from V(g_sub)[height == 0] (one per subgraph) to every V(g_sub)[height == 9]
paths_0_9 <- lapply(g_lst, \(g_sub) shortest_paths(g_sub, V(g_sub)[height == 0], V(g_sub)[height == 9], output = "epath")$epath)
lengths(paths_0_9) |> sum()
#> [1] 36


Heights (vertices) and remaining edges that form paths, colored by a number of paths they are part of.

edge_score <- 
  paths_0_9 |> 
  lapply(, what = c) |> 
  lapply(names) |> = c) |> 
E(g)$score <- 0
E(g)[names(edge_score)]$score <- as.vector(edge_score)

# shift sequential_pal 1 level up
E(g)$color <- E(g)$score |> cut(5) |> scales::dscale(\(n) sequential_pal(n+1)[-1])
E(g)[score == 0]$color <- "gray80"
# mark trailheads and highest points
V(g)[height %in% c(0, 9)]$frame.color <- "darkred"
V(g)$label <-  V(g)$height
  list(mar = c(0,0,0,0)),
  plot(g, vertex.label.cex = 2, vertex.shape = "square", vertex.frame.width = 3)

part2: calculate trailhead ratings

Rating is a number of all distinct hiking trails starting from that trailhead. Instead of shortest_paths() use all_shortest_paths() , extract and count edge paths.

# Ex: 81
all_paths_0_9 <- 
  lapply(g_lst, \(g_sub) {
    all_shortest_paths(g_sub, V(g_sub)[height == 0], V(g_sub)[height == 9])$epaths
lengths(all_paths_0_9) |> sum()
#> [1] 81

Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles


test_in <- "125 17"
stones <- 
  aoc_lines(test_in) |> 
  strsplit(" ") |> 
  _[[1]] |> 
  as.numeric() |> 
#> <list>
#> ├─125
#> └─17

part1: count stones after 25 blinks

A collection of numbered stones change each time we blink, according to 1st matching rule:

  • 0 turns into 1
  • stone with even number of digits is split into 2, new numbers are left and right half of digits
  • if no rules applied, number is multiplied by 2024

Naive approach: implement blink() as a function that takes a stone and returns a list of stone(s), recursively apply this on input list 25 times to create a nested list, flatten resulting list and count items. Apparently blinking does not generate too many unique values, to speed things up, blink in batches of five and cache batch results with memoise.

# Ex: 55312

blink <- function(stone){
  if (isTRUE(all.equal(stone,0))){
  } else if (nchar(stone) %% 2 == 0) {
    l <- nchar(stone)
      c(substr(stone, 1, l / 2), substring(stone, (l / 2) + 1)) |> 
        as.numeric() |> 
  } else {
    return(list(stone * 2024))

# blink once:
rapply(stones, blink, how = "list") |> lobstr::tree()
#> <list>
#> ├─<list>
#> │ └─253000
#> └─<list>
#>   ├─1
#>   └─7
rapply(stones, blink, how = "list") |> unlist(recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] 253000      1      7

# blink at a single stone n times, return a flat vector of stones;
# cached through memoise
blink_n <- memoise(function(stone, n = 5){
    \(x, ...) rapply(x, blink, how = "list"), 
    x = 1:n, init = list(stone), simplify = FALSE
  ) |> 
  unlist(recursive = TRUE)
blink_n(stones[[1]], n = 5) 
#> [1] 1036288       7       2      20      24

# apply blink_n(..., n = 5) 5 times (5*5=25 blinks in total) on each input stone, 
# after each blink_n, flatten list of stones to a vector;
# get the length of final vector
  f = \(stones, ...) lapply(stones, blink_n, n = 5) |> unlist(), 
  x = 1:5, init = stones
) |> length()
#> [1] 55312

part2: count stones after 75 blinks

Previous solution does not scale too well after 30 or so blinks, instead keep track of the number of unique stones. Use fastmap for fast key-value storage, each key presents unique stone number, values are stone counts.

options(scipen = 999)

pebbles <- fastmap(missing_default = 0)
stones |> 
  setNames(unlist(stones)) |> 
  lapply(\(x) 1) |> 
  pebbles$mset(.list = _)
pebbles$mget(pebbles$keys()) |> lobstr::tree()
#> <list>
#> ├─17: 1
#> └─125: 1

for (i in 1:75){
  # keep `pre_blink` state, `pebbles` will hold current blink state 
  pre_blink <- pebbles$clone()
  for (k in pre_blink$keys()) {
    # not vectorized, blink at every unique stone, one at a time;
    # update values, pebbles$get() is configured to return 0 for non-existing keys 
    v <- pre_blink$get(k)
    if (as.numeric(k) == 0) {
      pebbles$set("1", v + pebbles$get("1"))
    } else if (nchar(k) %% 2 == 0){
      left_  <- substr(k, start = 1, stop = nchar(k) %/% 2) |> as.numeric() |> as.character()
      right_ <- substr(k, start = nchar(k) %/% 2 + 1, stop = 999) |> as.numeric() |> as.character()
      pebbles$set(left_, v + pebbles$get(left_))
      pebbles$set(right_, v + pebbles$get(right_))
    } else {
      k_ <- as.character(as.numeric(k) * 2024)
      pebbles$set(k_, v + pebbles$get(k_))
  if (i %% 25 == 0){
      "Unique stones after blink %.2d: %4.d; sum: %16.f", 
      i, pebbles$size(), pebbles$as_list() |> unlist() |> sum()
    ) |> message()
#> Unique stones after blink 25:   54; sum:            55312
#> Unique stones after blink 50:   54; sum:       1900433601
#> Unique stones after blink 75:   54; sum:   65601038650482
pebbles$as_list() |> unlist() |> sum()
#> [1] 65601038650482

Day 12: Garden Groups

library(igraph, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

test_in <- 

m <- 
  aoc_lines(test_in) |> 
  strsplit("") |> = rbind) 
#>       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#>  [1,] "R"  "R"  "R"  "R"  "I"  "I"  "C"  "C"  "F"  "F"  
#>  [2,] "R"  "R"  "R"  "R"  "I"  "I"  "C"  "C"  "C"  "F"  
#>  [3,] "V"  "V"  "R"  "R"  "R"  "C"  "C"  "F"  "F"  "F"  
#>  [4,] "V"  "V"  "R"  "C"  "C"  "C"  "J"  "F"  "F"  "F"  
#>  [5,] "V"  "V"  "V"  "V"  "C"  "J"  "J"  "C"  "F"  "E"  
#>  [6,] "V"  "V"  "I"  "V"  "C"  "C"  "J"  "J"  "E"  "E"  
#>  [7,] "V"  "V"  "I"  "I"  "I"  "C"  "J"  "J"  "E"  "E"  
#>  [8,] "M"  "I"  "I"  "I"  "I"  "I"  "J"  "J"  "E"  "E"  
#>  [9,] "M"  "I"  "I"  "I"  "S"  "I"  "J"  "E"  "E"  "E"  
#> [10,] "M"  "M"  "M"  "I"  "S"  "S"  "J"  "E"  "E"  "E"

part1: find area and perimeter for each region

We need to multiply area of each region by its perimeter to get fence price and add up all prices for the answer.
igraph strategy:

  • make lattice graph
  • store plan types in vertex attributes
  • split vertex set by plant types, subgraph from each split
  • decompose to store each region sharing the same plant type in its own subgraph
  • unlist one level
  • subgraph area is its plot (vertex) count and perimeter is the sum of outside plot sides, i.e. sum(4 - degree(g) (plots with degree 4 are surrounded by plots from that same region, plots with degree 1 are connected to the region by just one side and plots with degree 0 are single-plot regions, all 4 sides being outside sides)
  • calculate prices for each region and sum
# Ex: 1930
g <- 
    with_vertex_(plant = as.vector(m))

regions <- 
  split(V(g), V(g)$plant) |> 
  lapply(\(vids) induced_subgraph(g, vids)) |> 
  lapply(decompose) |> = c) |> 
  lapply(\(g) list(area = vcount(g), perimeter = sum(4 - degree(g))))

sapply(regions, \(reg) reg$area * reg$perimeter) |> sum()
#> [1] 1930

part2: find number of sides for each region

New fence price for a region is now calculated by multiplying its area by its number of sides.

  • upscale matrix & lattice graph by a factor of 3 (1x1 plot becomes 3x3)
  • from each region, count clusters of degree-3 vertices as sides (outer & inner edge sections, excluding all corners)
# Ex: 1206

# upscale original grid
m3 <- m[rep(1:nrow(m), each=3), rep(1:ncol(m), each=3)]
g3 <- 
      plant = as.vector(m3),
      x = which(!, arr.ind = T)[,"col"]

# get region side count through degree-3 vertex componets in each region
side_count <- 
  split(V(g3), V(g3)$plant) |> 
  lapply(\(vids) induced_subgraph(g3, vids)) |> 
  lapply(decompose) |> 
  unlist(recursive = FALSE) |> 
  sapply(\(g) subgraph(g, degree(g) == 3) |> count_components())

# use `regions` from part1 for area
  side = side_count, 
  reg = regions, 
  FUN = \(side, reg) side * reg$area
) |> sum()
#> [1] 1206


plot_part1 <- function(m){
  g <- 
        plant = factor(as.vector(m)),
        label = factor(as.vector(m)),
        x = rep(1:ncol(m), each  = nrow(m)),
        y = rev(rep(1:nrow(m), times = ncol(m))),
        color = grDevices::hcl.colors(n = length(table(m)))[factor(as.vector(m))]
  region_edges <- with(as_data_frame(g), V(g)$plant[from] == V(g)$plant[to])
  g_regions <- subgraph.edges(g, E(g)[region_edges], delete.vertices = FALSE) 
       main = "part1\ngarden plot degrees",
       vertex.label = degree(g_regions), 
       vertex.label.color = "gray99", 
       vertex.label.cex = 1.8, 
       vertex.shape = "square", 
       vertex.size = 18, 
       edge.width = 22,
       edge.color = "gray30"

plot_part2 <- function(m3){
  g3 <- 
        plant = factor(as.vector(m3)),
        label = factor(as.vector(m3)),
        x = rep(1:ncol(m3), each  = nrow(m3)),
        y = rev(rep(1:nrow(m3), times = ncol(m3))),
        color = grDevices::hcl.colors(n = length(table(m3)))[factor(as.vector(m3))]
  region_edges <- with(as_data_frame(g3), V(g3)$plant[from] == V(g3)$plant[to])
  g_regions <- subgraph.edges(g3, E(g3)[region_edges], delete.vertices = FALSE) 
  V(g_regions)$degree <- degree(g_regions)
  region_sides <- with(as_data_frame(g_regions), V(g_regions)$degree[from] == 3 & V(g_regions)$degree[to] == 3)
  g_sides <- subgraph.edges(g_regions, E(g_regions)[region_sides], delete.vertices = FALSE) 
       main = "part2\nupscaled garden plots,\nregion sides as components",
       vertex.label = NA, 
       vertex.shape = "square", 
       vertex.size = 5, 
       vertex.frame.color = c(NA, "violet")[(V(g_sides)$degree == 3) + 1],
       vertex.frame.width = 2.5,
       edge.width = 5,
       edge.color = "gray30" 
  list(mar = c(0,0,4,0), mfrow = c(1,2)),
  { plot_part1(m); plot_part2(m3) }


Advent of Code 2024. R solutions.






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