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launch app with shiny::runApp(launch.browser = TRUE)
The Pepliner app is for viewing peptide or protein elution profiles
- In a fractionation-MS experiment, a protein sample is separated across a gradient into multiple fractions.
- Proteins are identified from each fraction independently.
- It's often necessary to visualized where a protein is detected across fractions.
- Pepliner is a suite of R functions and a shiny app for viewing patterns of detection of peptides or proteins across multiple fractions.
- The main functions of this shiny are to:
Interactively select a series of proteins to plot (protein-level visualization)
Interactively plot peptides from a single protein (peptide-level visualization)
- Explore the app's features with the example data set pre-loaded by clicking on the tabs above.
- Upload your data in the "Input Data" tab.
Visualize your data:
- Visualize elutions of peptides from single proteins
- Visualize elutions of multiple proteins across fractions
- Must be a .CSV comma-separated-value file (you may export from Excel).
- File must have a header row.
- Depending on whether uploading protein-level or peptide-level data format as follows:
- Must be a .CSV comma-separated-value file (you may export from Excel).
- Upload data either in wide or tidy format
- Tutorial on wide vs. tidy data
- Must contain a column called ID, with remaining columns rightward representing individual fractions
- Each row is a proteins's detection across fractions
ID | Fraction1 | Fraction2 | Fraction3 |
ProteinA | 0 | 1 | 3 |
ProteinB | 5 | 25 | 10 |
- Must contain columns ID, ProteinCount, FractionID (in any order)
- Each row is a protein's detection in a single fraction
ID | FractionID | ProteinCount |
ProteinA | Fraction1 | 0 |
ProteinA | Fraction2 | 1 |
ProteinA | Fraction3 | 3 |
ProteinB | Fraction1 | 5 |
ProteinB | Fraction2 | 25 |
ProteinB | Fraction3 | 10 |
- Must be a .CSV comma-separated-value file (you may export from Excel).
- Must contain a columns called Peptide and ID, with remaining rightward columns representing individual fractions
- Each row is a peptide's detection across fractions.
Peptide | ID | Fraction1 | Fraction2 | Fraction3 |
AAGTEPR | ProteinA | 0 | 1 | 1 |
CNMETLLK | ProteinA | 0 | 0 | 2 |
IPRELVK | ProteinB | 2 | 12 | 2 |
MITFPELLR | ProteinB | 3 | 13 | 8 |
- Must contain columns Peptide, ID, PeptideCount, FractionID (in any order)
- Each row is a peptide's detection in a single fraction
Peptide | ID | FractionID | ProteinCount |
AAGTEPR | ProteinA | Fraction2 | 1 |
AAGTEPR | ProteinA | Fraction3 | 1 |
CNMETLLK | ProteinA | Fraction3 | 2 |
IPRELVK | ProteinB | Fraction1 | 2 |
IPRELVK | ProteinB | Fraction2 | 12 |
IPRELVK | ProteinB | Fraction3 | 2 |
MITFPELLR | ProteinB | Fraction3 | 3 |
MITFPELLR | ProteinB | Fraction3 | 13 |
MITFPELLR | ProteinB | Fraction3 | 8 |
After uploading your data to the pepliner app, click red button
to download an .RData file to upload your data to the pepline app with one click.
Next time use the "Input Data" tab --> "Pepliner RData file" option.
Additional help information and more detailed instructions are provided under the "Instructions" tab.
The source code for pepliner is available on Github.
A paper describing use of peptide elutions to identify proteoforms will be posted on BioRxiv.
Pepliner was modified from the START app developed by Jessica Minnier, Jiri Sklenar, Anthony Paul Barnes, and Jonathan Nelson of Oregon Health & Science University, Knight Cardiovascular Institute and School of Public Health.
The original source code of START is available on Github.