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This repository is a collection of resources and code challenges in Javascript, ReactJS and NextJS that I created and solved in my journey to return to the tech industry after my sabbatical.


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Code Challenges and preparation to interviews

This repository is a collection of resources and code challenges (mostly from HackerHank and Medium articles) in Javascript, ReactJS and NextJS that I created and solved in my journey to return to the tech industry after my sabbatical. I started doing this privately then I realized that it could help other people to prepare themselves for their journey too so I decided to give publicity to all this content.

Feel free to use, learn, comment, criticize, or do whatever you want with all the content here.



  • System Designs (Bullet points, examples and pictures)
  • AWS (Services, descriptions and free tears)
  • Database
  • Data Structs
  • Design Patterns
  • Javascript
  • Node
  • React
  • Security
  • Tests


  • Beautiful Pairs
  • Candles
  • Candles Functional
  • Circular Array Rotation
  • Climbing Leaderboard
  • Compare Array
  • Compare Array Functional
  • Duplicate Numbers
  • Filling Jargs
  • Gas Station
  • Hurdle Race
  • Jim Orders
  • Largest Permutation
  • Lonely Integer
  • Mash
  • Maximum Toys
  • Max Min
  • Max Sub Array
  • Min Max Sum
  • Not in Sequence
  • Plus Minus
  • Plus Minus Functional
  • Random Sort
  • Set Value
  • Smallest Positive
  • Sort
  • Sort Functional
  • Staircase
  • Sum Array
  • Sum Diagonal
  • Sum String Numbers
  • Two Arrays
  • Very Big Sum

Data Structure

  • Animals (Class)
  • Binary Search
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Bubble Sort
  • Double Linked List
  • Hashmap
  • Insertion Sort
  • Jump Search
  • Linear Search
  • LRU Cache
  • Max Heap
  • PubSub
  • Quick Sort
  • Trie

Design Pattern

  • Abstract Factoy
  • Adapter
  • Bridge
  • Command
  • Composite
  • Factory
  • Interpreter
  • Iterator
  • Observer
  • Prototype
  • Proxy
  • Singleton


  • Calculator using Closure ES6
  • Calculator using Function ES5
  • Chocolate Feast - Logical Challenge
  • Factorial Composition
  • IIFE
  • Measuring Time Computing
  • Pagination
  • Pagination Pointer
  • Promise Reject
  • Read File using Node:fs
  • Remove Object Key
  • Sum Array Recursive
  • Sum Recursive
  • Sum Twice


  • worker Threads with profilling

NextJS Applications

  • App Routing Pattenrs
  • Shopping Cart (Server Actions)
  • Code Reader Highlight

Python Code Challenges

  • Cleaning Robot

React Applications

  • Audio Video
  • Automatic Slide
  • Calculator
  • Captcha Router
  • Code Challenge
  • Contexts
  • Country Capital Game
  • Current Time
  • Custom Hooks
  • DogImage
  • Feature Flag
  • High Order Components (HOC)
  • Infinite Gallery
  • Lifecycle
  • Pagination
  • QuizApp
  • Search Users
  • ToDo
  • Typescript


  • Alternating Characters
  • Beautiful Binary Strings
  • Busca
  • Caesar Cipher
  • Calculate Single Digit
  • Camelcase
  • Compare Versions
  • Counting Letters
  • Decent Number
  • Editor
  • Find Common Domains
  • Funny String
  • Gem Stones
  • HackerHank String
  • Is Fibo
  • Mars Exploration
  • Minimum Numbers
  • Minimum Numbers using HashMap
  • Organize Contacts
  • Palindrome Index
  • Pangrams
  • Pangrams using HashMap
  • Printer
  • Reduce String
  • Separate Numbers
  • Sort Random Word
  • Sort Strings
  • Supress Repetitive Letter
  • The Love Letter Mystery
  • Time Convertion
  • Two Strings
  • Two Strings using HashMap
  • Validate Phone Format
  • Weighted Unifor Strings


  • Add links to the resources in the Summary


This repository is a collection of resources and code challenges in Javascript, ReactJS and NextJS that I created and solved in my journey to return to the tech industry after my sabbatical.





