Dead Simple URL Shortener
- Zero dependency
- Uses file system to store "redirects" (key => values pairs)
- Just deploy on some fancy domain and be happy
- Most HTTP servers will do (Apache, Nginx are preconfigured to serve files)
- Be aware of the limits of file system storage. Performance decreases after you hit more than ~1000 files in one folder.
- If you do, feel free to upgrade the script to support partitioning, and post a PR.
- create a folder named "u" in web root of project (where index.php is also located)
- Remember to properly set open_basedir restriction.
- Passed POST URL is not sanitized, but its checked with PHP's FILTER_VALIDATE_URL.
- You can use Apache's .htaccess to allow only specific IP adresses from creating new "shorts". Create
in web root of your project containing something like this. Remember to change IPADDRESS to your allowed IP Address.
<FilesMatch "\.(php)$">
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from *IPADDRESS*