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Backup your LastFM scrobblings and store them in a friendly JSON format file.

Using the script:

No previous configuration needed, just clone this repo and use the binary file on any Linux distribution.

  • Execute the binary file

    ./bin/index-linux key=<YOUR-API-KEY> user=<LASTFM-USER> start=<start-page> end=<end-page> grade=<concurrency-grade>
  • Docker

    docker build -t lastfm-scrobblings .
    docker run lastfm-scrobblings key=<YOUR-API-KEY> user=<LASTFM-USER>
  • Parameters

    • key (Mandatory): The API KEY provided by LastFM.
    • user (Mandatory): The user to grab the data from.
    • start (Optional: The API page to start. By default, the first page.
    • end (Optional: The API page to end pagination. By default, the last page.
    • grade (Optional): The 'grade' parameter for setting the concurrency level. A grade is the number of chunks that requests will be splitted and performed in parallel. Example: grade=1 launches all the requests in parallel (1 chunk with all data), grade=2 splits the dataset in half and performs two sequential rounds of requests.

How to build:

Follow these steps if you want to build your own package:

  • A Linux executable will be generated with pkg, so it'd be needed to install it globally:
    npm install -g pkg
  • Also Babel is used for transpiling the code from latest ES6 features to ES5:
    npm install -g babel-cli
  • Then install the rest of the dev-dependencies:
    npm install
  • Run the attached bash script for building the binaries:


Do not hesitate to open issues or make Pull requests.