A simple SpringBoot API demonstrating CRUD operations for a Company, Offices, and Employees. The API is containerized in Docker, and interacts with a containerized PostGres DB.
Major technologies used in this app
- Spring Web MVC - for building annotation-driven RESTful APIs:
- for retrieving and creating companies and officesEmployeeController.java
- for retrieving and creating employees
- Spring Data JPA - for implementation of the Persistence (JPA) and Repository Layers
- Entities:
- Repositories:
- Entities:
- Spring AOP - for implementation of cross-cutting concerns (method performance and method tracing):
- Logger Injection - allows for class-aware injection of
- Custom Exception Handling - for returning proper RESTful responses when encountering errors
- Docker - for containerization of the application
- MapStruct - for auto-generation of DTO/Entity mapper:
- Lombok - for elimination of boilerplate in POJOs, and for implementing builder pattern
Installation and Startup Instructions
- Clone this repo.
- Pull the latest Postgres Docker image:
$> docker pull postgres
- Run the postgres docker image. Choose a new username and password for authentication below
$> docker run -itd -e POSTGRES_USER=--username-- -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=--password-- -p 5430:5432 -v /data:/var/lib/postgresql/data --name postgresql postgres
- Build the Company API Docker image:
$> docker build --tag company-api:latest .
- Run the Company API Docker image:
$> docker run -p8887:8080 company-api:latest
**To run standalone (no Docker) run the following:
$> java -jar build/libs/demo-1.0.0.jar --spring.config.location=src/main/resources/application-dev.yaml
Sample API Requests
Create new company
POST http://localhost:8887/api/v1/companies
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"name": "Craigs Company"
Get all companies
GET http://localhost:8887/api/v1/companies
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Create new office
POST http://localhost:8887/api/v1/companies/<id>/offices
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"name" : "Dallas Office"
Get offices for given company
GET http://localhost:8887/api/v1/companies/<id>/offices
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Create new office employee
POST http://localhost:8887/api/v1/offices/<id>/employees
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"firstName" : "Craig",
"lastName" : "Bellamy",
"emailId" : "[email protected]"