GoogleAnalyticsTracker - A C# library for tracking Google Analytics
via PayPal.
GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, when creating an API using the ASP.NET MVC framework, GoogleAnalyticsTracker enables you to track usage of the API by calling directly into Google Analytics.
Install-Package GoogleAnalyticsTracker
Using GoogleAnalyticsTracker is very straightforward. In your code, add the following structure wherever you want to track page views:
using (Tracker tracker = new Tracker("UA-XXXXXX-XX", ""))
tracker.TrackPageView("My API - Create", "api/create");
tracker.TrackPageView("MY API - List", "api/list");
Or without a using block:
Tracker tracker = new Tracker("UA-XXXXXX-XX", "");
tracker.TrackPageView("My API - Create", "api/create");
A number of extension methods are available which use the provided HttpContext as the source for URL and user propertires:
Tracker tracker = new Tracker("UA-XXXXXX-XX", "");
tracker.TrackPageView(HttpContext, "My API - Create");
Finally, an ActionFilter for use with ASP.NET MVC is available:
[ActionTracking("UA-XXXXXX-XX", "")]
public class ApiController
: Controller
public JsonResult Create()
return Json(true);
This filter can also be applied as a global action filter, optionally filtering the requests to log:
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
filters.Add(new ActionTrackingAttribute(
action => action.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName == "Api")
After cloning the repository, run build.cmd. A folder named "Build" will be created and populated with:
- Assemblies
- PDB files
- NuGet package