An application developed in Java for prospective applicants to the NUS Faculty of Engineering, who prefer to use a desktop application in order to research on degrees and courses offered by the NUS Faculty of Engineering.
- Scrapes course information from the NUS database
- Ranking system for courses
- Display course information and module information
- Accepts commands for input
- Task manager to organise faculty events
- Compares degrees and modules offered
- Display employment statistics of recent graduates
- Display recent cohort sizes of each degree
Project is created with:
- Java Development Kit 11
- JavaFX 11 (via Gradle openJFX)
- Gradle
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2019.2.1
For those who wish to use DEGREES.NUS as-is, please refer to the User Guide.
For those who wish to modify the source files for their own project, or just to see how DEGREES.NUS works, refer to here.
For a quick guide to modifying gradle for this project, refer to this guide
Currently, this project only has support for 9 degrees in the NUS Faculty of Engineering. We plan to expand and eventually include all degrees and courses available in NUS, and maybe even include other Universities in Singapore. We also plan to add automatic scrapping of course and module information from the NUS database to reduce the workload on the development team and to ensure that the course information is always up-to-date.