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Upload C3W2 Lab 1 (Simple Object Detection) #68

Upload C3W2 Lab 1 (Simple Object Detection)

Upload C3W2 Lab 1 (Simple Object Detection) #68

Workflow file for this run

name: !!str Ruff
on: !!map
push : !!map
branches: !!str main
workflow_run: !!map
workflows: !!seq ["Black", "Fix"]
types: !!str completed
jobs: !!map
lint: !!map
runs-on: !!str ubuntu-latest
steps: !!seq
- uses: !!str actions/checkout@v3
- name: !!str Set up Python
uses: !!str actions/setup-python@v3
- name: !!str Install dependencies
run: !!str |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install ruff nbqa
- name: !!str Analysing the code
run: !!str nbqa ruff .