I built this because I wanted to be able to spin up a clean linux dev environment without all the associated heaviness of a virtual machine.
Here is what it gives me,
- Basic commands like sudo, curl, nano
- Installs latest version of node on start
- Installs ohmyzsh, and the powerline fonts
- Git support
- Homebrew (linuxbrew)
- Ensure you have docker installed and running
- Clone this repo
- Open terminal and run,
chmod +x build.sh
- And run
chmod +x run.sh
- Run
- Run
Easy! This should give you a linux prompt for a user called "devuser" with password "p@ssword1". This user is a sudoer.
- cd ~
- sudo chmod +x installthemes.sh
- ./installthemes.sh
- Edit your .zshrc, and change the theme (I like agnoster)
- Optionally capture it using docker commit (see https://winsmarts.com/snapshot-a-docker-container-20df59bbd473)
Rock on!