Smart Banking Chat Bot- This is an AI based project which uses several ML algorithms for Natural Language Understanding which identifies intent and entities from user-issues and generates dialogue.
This project may assist Financial Institutions to add chatbot in their web-application, so customers can ask questions to the chatbot without having to visit his/her Bank.
- Python (v3.6.3) and Libraries required for AI and Natural Language Processing(NLP)
- Rasa Core (v0.11.12)
- Rasa NLU (v0.13.7)
- Bootstrap (v3.3.7)
- AngularJS (v1.6.4)
- jQuery (v1.10.2)
- SQL Server 2014
- PHP (v5.6.32)
To install database with data, we have added a SQL file in the repostory.
To train model,
- go to train directory - cd train
- run command to train nlu which actually understands natural langauge examples given in training_data.json which have classfied - python train-nlu
- run command to train core which predicts actions using training data given in file - python train-nlu
- to train model online, run (using this we can have more data of predicting action which makes model more accurate :) ) - $ python -m rasa_core_sdk.endpoint --actions actions & python -m rasa_core.train --online -o models/dialogue -u models/nlu/default/bank_nlu -d bank_domain.yml -s data/ --endpoints endpoints.yml --batch_size 500 --epochs 200 --history 15 --validation_split 0.2 --nlu_threshold 0.2 --core_threshold 0.2 --fallback_action_name action_fallback
- And to finally run bot, use - $ python -m --enable_api -d models/dialogue -u models/nlu/default/bank_nlu --endpoints endpoints.yml - $ python -m rasa_core_sdk.endpoint --actions actions - which have to run both in different terminals