请你忘记 asyncio
这是一个对 asyncio
功能 | 支援 |
多线程 | ✅ |
多进程 | ✅ |
简单易用 | ✅ |
全局退出管理 | ✅ |
pip install easy-async
import asyncio
import multiprocessing
import threading
from easy_async import EasyAsync, MISSION
# scheduler will initial when every process start,
# so different process will have different scheduler
# Maximum 4k concurrent mission-task
scheduler = EasyAsync(task_default_type=MISSION, complicating_limit=4096)
# if you don't create scheduler before get_scheduler, it will create a scheduler with default params
# scheduler = get_scheduler()
# when you decorate a function with scheduler.as_mission,
# it will be use `scheduler.create_task` when you call it
async def sleep(n):
print(f'mission_task: sleep {n}')
await asyncio.sleep(n)
print(f'wake up: {n}')
# 在此处不要触发循环,stop之后函数需要返回。
if n == 5:
print('sys stop')
# scheduler.stop(force=True)
# assign it is a daemon task, the scheduler will stop when all daemon-task finish.
# when you call a non-args `scheduler.run` all registered daemon-task will be called.
async def assist():
print('assist1 start')
print('new_pid: ', multiprocessing.current_process().pid)
print('new_tid: ', threading.current_thread().native_id)
await sleep(1)
print('assist1 end')
async def main():
print('main start')
print('mian scheduler', scheduler)
# start_by_process
scheduler.new(assist, method='process')
# start mission-task manually
await scheduler.add_mission(sleep(5))
# start_by_thread
# scheduler.new(assist, method='thread')
# just use `scheduler.new` like `Process` or `Thread`
await asyncio.sleep(3)
print('main end')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# run all daemon_task
# scheduler.run()
# just run main()