Pyodide on the Jamstack brings Python to Static Site Generators. The goal is to create an easy way to write and run code side-by-side with Math and Markdown.
Pyodide brings the Python 3.9 runtime to the browser via WebAssembly, along with the Python scientific stack including NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SciPy, and scikit-learn.
This is the main GitHub Repo for the Pyodide project.
Jamstack stands for "Javascript, API and Markup". It is a modern "serverless" architecture pattern for building things on the web. You can read more about the Jamstack on
With the Jamstack architecture, pre-rendered content is served to a content delivery network (CDN) and made dynamic through APIs and serverless functions. We want to add WebAssembly and Python to the mix. Content can then be made dynamic by using APIs, serverless functions AND the Python runtime in the browser.
Setup a Jamstack workflow and a static site generator that lets an author create a Python-enabled site.
These are some thing that an author should be able to do without having to learn Javascript:
- write prose in markdown
- write math using the Tex typesetting system
- load pyodide from a CDN
- load python code snippets from a python file
- load python code snippets and outputs from a Jupyter Notebook
- edit and execute code snippets in the browser
- use pyodide packages like numpy and pandas in the browser
- run asynchronous python code
- run python code in a service worker
- publish a Python-enabled site to the web, at no cost
We are getting started with Hugo. It is a blasing fast static generator written in Go. Jekyll, Gatsby and other static generators will be added.
Thank you for your interest in contributing. You can contribute by:
- Using this project and submitting issues
- Adding features and fixing bugs through pull requests