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forrel 1.7.0

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@magnusdv magnusdv released this 04 Sep 10:23

New features

  • The function checkPairwise() has undergone substantial revision, with plots implemented in both ggplot2 and plotly in addition to the default base plot. A summary of the main changes are:

    • a new argument plotType can be either "base" (default), "ggplot" or "plotly"
    • the plotting is now done in a separate function plotCP() which is also exported
    • a new argument ids, which when given restricts the checks to those individuals
    • the output column LR is renamed to GLR (generalised likelihood ratio)
    • new output column pedrel describing (in words) each relationship according to the pedigree. The descriptions are obtained with the verbalisr package
    • estimation of P-values for each pairwise relationship, by parametric bootstrap simulations. This feature is controlled through new arguments nsim, pvalThreshold and seed. By default nsim = 0, meaning that no simulations are performed. The P-values are stored in the output column pval.
  • New function quickLR() performs the most common kinship tests (paternity and sibship) for a pair of individuals.

  • New function ibdLoglik() computes the pairwise likelihood for given set IBD coefficients (kappa or delta).

  • Improved progress bars using the pbapply package.


  • Removed (long deprecated) IBDtriangle(), replaced by ribd::ibdTriangle().

  • Improved missingPersonPlot() appearance.

  • In ibdEstimate(), more efficient data prep, and better removal of missing data.

  • Refresh code in examples.