Tools to transcode video files into HEVC, experiment with different encoder presets and options, and pixel-peep/compare the source file to your HEVC output. Default presets were created using source content with fast-moving subjects / high framerate (motorsport).
python script to manage $PATH
symlink to
usage: [-h] (--install | --uninstall)
Manages $PATH symlink for
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--install install symlink to on $PATH
--uninstall remove symlink to
python script to transcode movies to HEVC using custom encoder options based on source file's resolution. This has only been tested with H.264 MP4 files, but should work with source files with any of the following extensions: ".mp4", ".m4v", ".mov", ".mkv", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".avi", ".wmv", ".flv", ".webm", ".ts" but YMMV.
usage: [-h] [--file FILE | --all] [--quality QUALITY] [--preset PRESET] [--baseline | --best] [--small]
Transcodes given file(s) in ./source/ to HEVC format.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file FILE relative path to movie in source directory
--all transcode all supported movies in source directory
--quality QUALITY HandBrake quality slider value (-12,51)
--preset PRESET override video encoder preset
--baseline use baseline encoder options
--best use highest quality encoder options
--small use additional encoder options to minimize filesize at the expense of speed
--delete delete output files when complete/interrupted
python script to compare screenshots of source and transcoded files.
usage: [-h] [-s] filename [num_frames]
positional arguments:
filename Source filename
num_frames Number of comparison frames to generate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --stack Also create 2-up stacked comparison
- python >= 3.8 at
- HandBrakeCLI and ffmpeg on your
- cv2
- dill
- imutils
- numpy
- scikit-image
python3 /path/to/ --install
You can also compare multiple encodes created with different presets by appending preset names to the HEVC filename. e.g.
└── source
└── test.mp4
└── hevc
├── test-RF18.mp4
└── test-RF24.mp4