This tiny library helps you to write recursive functions without any ''stack overflow'' related pain.
Say you have a function like this:
def factorial(value):
return 1 if value == 1 else value * factorial(value-1)
It works fine until the value
thing is less then a sys.getrecursionlimit()
ENDLESS provides a solution
def factorial(value):
return 1 if value == 1 else value * (yield {'value': value-1})
and then you can use it as a normal function:
>>> result = factorial(10000)
This decorated function is completely stack overflow free, because it doesn't use process's stack section at all.
Also stuff like this one is also possible (called maccarthy91 function):
def maccarthy(value):
if value > 100:
return value - 10
return (yield {'value': (yield {'value': value+11})})
So the rule is that: whenever you want to use a recursive call, just yield the dictionary, representing the function kwargs, that is it.
pip install endless