Calculate the exact shipping costs based on the distance to the delivery address using the Google Maps API.
Introducing our Magento 2 extension for automated shipping cost calculation based on distance. Utilizing the Google Maps API, it calculates actual transport route distances, ensuring accurate shipping costs. Easily configurable, set your per kilometer rate and display costs on the checkout page.
Enhance customer convenience with a shipping cost calculator on the product page. Requires an active Google API Key. Ideal for both in-house and external courier deliveries, it provides full control over shipping cost settings. Flexible options allow customization to your preferences, including address entry, distance units, calculation methods, and error handling. Global coverage with country-specific settings available. Experience unmatched flexibility with tailored shipping rates based on distance and order values.
Overall, the Shipping Costs Based on Distance plugin for Magento, with its seamless compatibility with the Magento Hyva theme, provides an excellent solution for integrating the Shipping Costs Based on Distance shipping method into your Magento store.
- Install the module using composer:
composer require magmodules/magento2-distanceshipping-hyva
- Enable the module:
bin/magento module:enable Magmodules_HyvaDistanceBasedShipping
- Upgrade the database:
bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Let Hyvä know about the new module:
php bin/magento hyva:config:generate
- Generate the CSS files:
npm --prefix vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-default-theme/web/tailwind/ run ci
npm --prefix vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-default-theme/web/tailwind/ run build-prod
Or from your theme:
npm --prefix app/design/frontend/<Vendor>/<Theme>/web/tailwind run ci
npm --prefix app/design/frontend/<Vendor>/<Theme>/web/tailwind run build-prod
- Customize your store/warehouse location
- Select distances in kilometers or miles according to your preference
- Personalize your calculation methods
- Blend per kilometer pricing with fixed rates
- Define maximum delivery ranges
- Automated address verification with error alerts for unrecognized addresses
If you have any questions, please fill out our secure contact form by clicking here.
Magmodules and Hyva have established a strong partnership, working closely together to provide enhanced e-commerce solutions. As an official Hyva partner, we specializes in developing integrations for various platforms and services.
We have created integrations for well-known providers such as Mollie, Sooqr, Paazl, and many more. This collaboration ensures seamless compatibility and optimized performance for online stores utilizing the Hyva theme. Through our partnership, Magmodules and Hyva strive to deliver comprehensive and tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of e-commerce businesses.
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