A Macintosh example program using the various SpellBook swift package published by the author.
- MacOS 10.15
- Swift 5
- Xcode 11
SpellBooks are various swift package created for Mac & iOS development. Rather than have a demo app for each spellbook, CocoaGrimoire provides examples of the code use for all the packages. Check the specific SpellBook for further information, including inline documentation for each call.
Swift Package of useful tools for Swift Development on any platform. CocoaGrimoire has Unit Tests for most of the features.
Swift Package of useful tools for Swift Development on Macintosh (Cocoa) Platforms. The CocoaSpellBook window displays various funcitons and alerts are invoked, as well as background color views. The tasks are setup to invoke a number of the CocoaSpellBook features.
Swift Package of Closure based Tasks, used by Menus, Toolbars & Buttons for Macintosh App development (Cocoa). AppsController, ViewController & WindowControllers can register specific Tasks. New Buttons, MenuItems & ToolbarItems which can be set within Interface Builder (but do not require associated IBAction) will then use the Tasks closures to perform a task and update their appearance.
Swift Package to provide standard Preference window functionality. The AppDelegate sets up the Preference window, as well as has the action to display it.
Preferences Example 1
Preferences Example 2
Swift Package to provide standard left & right side panels (commonly used as Inspectors) for Macintosh App Development (Cocoa). They will animate in and out, resizing the main view when needed. The GrimoireViewController sets up the Inspectors, then a simple tap() function animated them.
Closed Inspectors
Open Inspectors
PreferencesSpellBook-Demo is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.