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4.2.0 Release

bohdan-harniuk edited this page Nov 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

What's new in Magento PHPStorm Plugin 4.2.0

This release contains extending of the built-in Upgrade Compatibility Tool, enhanced Magento version detection, bugfixes.

Magento version detection

Changed version detection algorithm. Also added ability to detect platform version: Adobe Commerce or Open Source.

The built-in Upgrade Compatibility Tool

There are 24 new inspections added, more detailed messages for the previous inspections, enhanced error outputting.

New inspections:

Code Severity Level Name Description
1112 CRITICAL Importing non-existent Adobe Commerce class The imported class is no longer present in the codebase
1312 CRITICAL Importing non-existent Adobe Commerce interface The imported interface is no longer present in the codebase
1317 CRITICAL Inherited non-existent Adobe Commerce interface The inherited interface is no longer present in the codebase
1318 CRITICAL Implemented non-existent Adobe Commerce interface The implemented interface is no longer present in the codebase
1111 CRITICAL Extended non-existent Adobe Commerce class The extended class is no longer present in the codebase
1215 CRITICAL Overridden non-existent Adobe Commerce constant The overridden constant is no longer present in the codebase
1515 CRITICAL Overridden non-existent Adobe Commerce property The overridden property is no longer present in the codebase
1410 CRITICAL Call non-existent Adobe Commerce method The called method is no longer present in the codebase
1110 CRITICAL Used non-existent Adobe Commerce type The used type is no longer present in the codebase
1214 CRITICAL Used non-existent Adobe Commerce constant The used constant is no longer present in the codebase
1514 CRITICAL Used non-existent Adobe Commerce property The used property is no longer present in the codebase
1122 ERROR Imported non Adobe Commerce API class The imported class is not marked as an API
1322 ERROR Imported non Adobe Commerce API interface The imported interface is not marked as an API
1429 ERROR Called non Adobe Commerce API method The called method is not marked as an API
1225 ERROR Overridden non Adobe Commerce API constant The overridden constant is not marked as an API
1525 ERROR Overridden non Adobe Commerce API property The overridden property is not marked as an API
1224 ERROR Used non Adobe Commerce API constant The used constant is not marked as an API
1524 ERROR Used non Adobe Commerce API property The used property is not marked as an API
1124 ERROR Used non Adobe Commerce API type The used type is not marked as an API
1328 ERROR Implemented non Adobe Commerce API interface The implemented interface is not marked as an API
1121 ERROR Extended non Adobe Commerce API class The extended class is not marked as an API
1327 ERROR Inherited non Adobe Commerce API interface The inherited interface is not marked as an API
1428 ERROR Possible dependency on implementation details Possible dependency on implementation details
1449 ERROR Called non-interface method Called non-interface method (that is present in implementation)

Now it is possible to see the version number from which some reference (class, interface, constant, property, method) is deprecated or removed:

Added support for new versions:

  • 2.4.3-p1
  • 2.4.4-beta1
  • 2.4.4-beta2

Enhanced error outputting:

  • shown only higher priority errors for the target element
  • sorted errors by its line numbers


  • A NullPointerException for the InjectAViewModelAction.
  • A NullPointerException for an event name attribute.
  • A NullPointerException in the PluginReferenceProvider.