- add property info like address, picture and related expenses.
- edit or delete info pertaining to any property or expense.
- filter expenses based on property or a date range.
Demo Account Credentials:
Username: demo
Password: password
Server Github Repo: https://github.com/maddiereddy/cribtrakr-api
Client Github Repo: https://github.com/maddiereddy/cribtrakr-client
Git Clone this repo
cd into folder
npm install
npm start
Add .env file with API URL and variable name REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL
I built my own RESTful API which will allow users to add, delete, get and update all rental properties and related expenses. Hosted at https://evening-oasis-38989.herokuapp.com/
All Rental Properties .../api/rentals/
A particular property .../api/rentals/:id
All expenses .../api//expenses
All expenses for a property .../api/expenses/prop/:propId
A particular expense .../api//expenses/:id
Update property .../api/rentals/:id
Update an expense .../api/expenses/:id
Delete property .../api/rentals/:id
Delete expense .../api/expenses/:id
Add a new property .../api/rentals/
Add a new expenses .../api/expenses/
- React
- Redux
- Enzyme
- Jest
- Node
- Express
- Mongoose
- MongoDB
- Mocha
- Chai
- Ability to add images of expense receipts
- Be able to search/filter expenses by a phrase or name
- Create reports (for export and printing). This would be useful for tax preparation