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WordPress Plugin for sending data stuff around to be displayed on a map. Project for DIMB /

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=== Map Connect Metadata and Map Application ===
Contributors:      Marco Nagel & Kerstin Huppenbauer
Tags:              block
Tested up to:      6.3
Stable tag:        0.0.3
License:           GPL-2.0-or-later
License URI:

Map Connect plugin with metadata and map application block for WordPress using different APIs including WordPress REST API

== Description ==

/tsu-mapconnect/v1/area/aname/ => lists all areas

/tsu-mapconnect/v1/area/aname/<areaname> => returns a single area by name, use '_' for whitespaces, ae/ue/oe for german Umlaute

/tsu-mapconnect/v1/area/pcode/<Postcode> => Retrieves an area by an included postcode

/tsu-mapconnect/v1/area/activity/<activity> => retrieves an area by activity

SHORTCODE (Not implemented at the moment - use the map block in Gutenberg):

If WP Classic is used, the map app can be placed using the WordPress Shortcode API. Use the following code:

[mapplication base_url="<Base URL to be used>" metadata_url="<URL to the metadata REST API route>" database_url="<URL to your Postgres SQL DB for geometry data>" colors=[<Not used atm>]]

For most cases, it will be sufficent to place the shortcode like this: [mapplication]. 
Advanced users who would like to build their stuff themsselves also refer to Kerstin Huppenbauers nextjs-dimb repo for the map application found here:

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/tsu-mapconnect` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

none ATM

== Changelog ==
15.11.2023 - Did a lot of updating, added map frontend element, updated edit fpr Gutenberg
08.06.2023 - Added a skeleton block for the future map application to be placed on WP pages and posts. 
11.04.2023 - finished all basic sanitization and validation stuff. Supports now Gutenberg Block Editor aswell as Classic Editor plugin for data input: Metabox and React Block provided.
13.04.2023 - Added functionality to retrieve an area by entering a postcode
16.04.2023 - Added route for getting areas by activites, added some html status codes
18.04.2023 - Added OpenPLZ API integration and some status messages
17.06.2023 - Added configuration pane to Gutenberg react block and shortcode for app placement

= 0.0.3 =
* Map added, connected to khuppenbauers api found here (i hope :-)):

= 0.0.2 =
* Release


WordPress Plugin for sending data stuff around to be displayed on a map. Project for DIMB /






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