Semantic-ui template for aldeed:autoform
semantic-ui is NOT included in this package, to allow you to use a customized version if you need to. If you don't use a custom version, you must add the default package
to your meteor app, otherwise, there will be no styling.
In your Meteor app directory:
$ meteor add fabienb4:autoform-semantic-ui
In your code (client side) add:
Meteor.startup(function() {
Or you can set the template on each form:
{{#autoForm collection="Items" id="itemsInsertForm" type="insert" template="semanticUI"}}
For more information on how to use autoform, please refer to aldeed:autoform README.
: A basic select working without javascript (see: basic-select)
{{> afQuickField name="items" type="basic-select" options=items}}
Format for options
items = [
{ value: "1", label: "Item 1" },
{ value: "2", label: "Item 2" }
: A javascript driven select (see: selection)
If a field using a select
is marked as optional in the schema, the dropdown will show a "Clear" button at the top of the list, allowing you to clear the currently selected value.
// Simple
{{> afQuickField name="items" options=items}}
// Custom placeholder
{{> afQuickField name="items" placeholder="Select an item" options=items}}
// Search
{{> afQuickField name="items" options=items search=true}}
// Full text search
{{> afQuickField name="items" options=items fullTextSearch=true}}
Possible formats for options
// Simple
items = [
{ value: "1", label: "Item 1" },
{ value: "2", label: "Item 2" }
// With icons/flags
items = [
{ value: "1", label: "Item 1", icon: "file text icon" },
{ value: "2", label: "Item 2", icon: "bz flag" }
// Groups with headers
items = [
itemGroup: "Group one",
items: [
{ value: "1", label: "Item 1" },
{ value: "2", label: "Item 2" }
itemGroup: "Group two",
items: [
{ value: "3", label: "Item 3" },
{ value: "4", label: "Item 4" }
A field's errors can be shown in the label of the field.
In the form attributes (all fields in the form will show errors in labels):
{{#autoForm collection="Items" id="itemsInsertForm" type="insert" errorsInLabels=true}}
In the field attributes (only this field will show errors in label):
{{> afQuickField name="name" errorsInLabel=true}}
(see: slider)
{{> afQuickField name="isEnabled" checkboxType="slider"}}
(see: toggle)
{{> afQuickField name="isEnabled" checkboxType="toggle"}}
Anyone is welcome to contribute. Fork, make your changes (test them!), and then submit a pull request.