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Matthew Stratton edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 1 revision

Automatic Disclaimer Footers

Since: 0.1.5, core feature

Property Default Value
disclaimerFooterEnabled true
disclaimerFooterPath null (use Alexandria default disclaimer)

Alexandria can add a disclaimer footer to each converted file warning readers that they are not viewing the source of the document and that changes made will be overwritten.

Content/Footer Separator

A separator will be added between the document contents and the footer, so custom headers dont need to do any special spacing or dividers to distinguish the footer from the document contents. There is no way to customize this or disable it.


Which should render as a break and a divider between the document content and the footer.

Default Disclaimer

A static disclaimer will be used by default:

This file is managed by [Alexandria](, 
any changes made here will be overwritten.

Custom Disclaimer

Users can provide a file path to a markdown document to use in place of the default header. Like all markdown files Alexandria works with, this file should be stored in the directory/repository Alexandria is managing and the filepath should be relative to the root directory. Remember that the separator will still be added between the document contents and the custom footer so there is no need to add any explicit separator in your custom footer.