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imperative interpreter w/ reflection and taint-analysis in OCAML from scratch!


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Introduction is an imperative (but also functional) EDSL interpreter written in OCAML.

The interpreter is capable of handling expressions, commands and declarations all within a program.

A program can be parsed into valid code from a file/string thanks to reflection.

Static taint analysis can be performed, guards have been also added to the Reflect command as a form of protection, similar to perl.

The main execution functions are: interpret (or interpret' which returns also the declarations’ output), reflect and taint_analysis which all operate on a Prog(ds,cs) construct.

Design Choices

The interpreter works with 3 domains:

this domain is shared amongst the syntax (external) and semantic (internal) domains
this domain contains all the domains accessible to the user. it features 3 sub-domains
these are entities which may be mapped directly to a value
these are entities which allow modifying the global state of the program, though allocating new memory is not allowed
these are entities which allow allocation of new memory in the global state
this domain is used for representing the internal state of the interpreter.
evaluatable values
these are values that may be directly evaluated from an expressions. they represent the base internal type for the interpreter. Basic allowed types are Integer, Boolean, Float, String and Subprograms.
this is a mapping representing internal non-mutable state. It maps variables (identifiers) to values.
this is a mapping representing internal mutable state. It allows aliasing of 2 identifiers for one value. It maps addresses (pointers or locations) to values.
denotable values
these are values contained in the environment. Basic allowed types are Integer, Boolean, Float, String and Locations.
mutable memory values
these are values contained in the store. Basic allowed types are Integer, Boolean, Float, String.

The interpreter itself is implemented by 3 main functions:

this function basically maps expressions to evaluatable values
this function maps commands to a changed internal state (store)
this function maps declarations to a new internal state (environment + store)

Some important choices:

  • memory is viewed as a mapping. it is therefore impossible to modify in ocaml. changing the type signature of the interpreter would allow this
  • because memory is a mapping, new locations are simulated by randomly selecting a new location based on given store size
  • regular expressions are used in reflection, so the Str module must be available
  • fixed points are calculated through ocamls’s function and let rec operations
  • to ease debugging, the interpreted is not compiled but interpreted in an ocaml shell with the #use "" construct
  • since the program is interpreted, let and between multiple files is not available, this has been fixed by using mutable state pointers to future functions. These pointers will be updated when the function is created.
  • many utility functions have been created to ease debugging. most notable are emptyenv emptystore env' store' new' which simplify dealing with memory
  • due to the non-recursive nature of Procedure and Call, they have been omitted from reflection and taint-analysis. The syntax restriction is due to the difficulty of implementing a parser for the complete OCAML list syntax, and the static analysis of commands that cannot be recursively unpacked (one lies in the expressions, the other in the commands)


the interpreter can be loaded up with

>> #use "";;

and subsequent testing may be performed:

>> (* have a functional sample: *)
>> let e = Plus(Int(3), Int(4)) in eval e emptyenv emptystore;;
- : evalue = EInt 7

>> (* now let's try a complete program *)
>> let e = Lambda("x",Multiply(Val("global"), Var("x"))) in
>> let d = New("global", Str("yes")) in
>> let c = Assign("global", Apply(e, Int(5))) in
>> let program = Prog(d,c) in
>> let result_environment, result_store = interpret' program emptyenv emptystore in
>> eval (Val("global")) result_environment result_store;;
- : evalue = EStr "yesyesyesyesyes"

The most useful interpreter functions are:

eval: expr -> env -> store -> evalue
evaluates expressions
cval: com -> env -> store -> store
converts commands into a modified mutable memory
dval: dec -> env -> store -> env*store
allows extending mutable memory
interpret: prog -> env -> store -> store
combines all of the above. cannot return expression values like eval, though, as we do not have print functionality
interpret': prog -> env -> store -> env*store
just like interpret but return the last evaluated environment as well, which allows for further analysis of the output
emptyenv and emptystore
already initialized empty environment and store
env' and store'
allow extending environments and stores outside of syntax. new' combines this and allows doing something like the New(...) command outside of syntax.
ereflect and creflect and dreflect and reflect
reflection of expressions, commands, declarations, full blown programs.
etaint and ctaint and dtaint and taint_anlaysis
static taint analysis of expressions, commands, declarations and full blown programs.


Int(3)basic integer
Str(“hello world”)basic ASCII string
Bool(true)basic boolean
Float(4.5)basic float
Lambda(“x”, <exp containing x>)typical function
RecLambda(“f”, “x”, <exp containing f and x>)typical recursive function
Rec(“f”, Lambda(....))just another way to define recursive lambdas
Proc([“x”;”y”;”z”;…], Block(…))this is a procedure, check the commands section
IfThenElse(Bool(true), .., ..)control flow element
Var(“x”)this is a way to retrieve an immutable variable’s content
LetIn(“x”, e1, e2)this is a way to nest functional blocks and scopes
Val(“x”)this is a way to retrieve a mutable variable’s content
Plus(e1, e2)plus function, applies to: Int, Str, Float
Multiply(e1, e2)multiply function, appliest to: Int, Str, Float
Apply(e1, e2)typical function application, e1 is of type: Lambda, RecLambda, Rec
Equals(e1, e2)like C’s ==
Greater(e1, e2)like C’s >
Not(e)like C’s !
Or(e1, e2)like C’s ¦¦
And(e1, e2)like C’s &&
Len( Str(…))gets the length of a St
Sub(Str(…), i, j)gets a substring. i and j of type Int.
Lower(Str(..))reduces a string to lowercase, like Python’s lower()
Upper(Str(…))reduces a string to uppercase, like Python’s upper()
Trim(Str(…))trims whitespace from a string, like Python’s s.trim()
Replace(<string to be replace>,<replacer string>,<string>)replaces a string with another string in a string, like Python’s s.replace()


Assign(“x”, e)this changes the mutable value for the variable “x”. e is an expression
Block(d, c)this is an imperative block with nested scope. d is a declaration, see its section for more detail
Call(p, [e1;e2;e3;..])this is an application of an imperative procedure. p is of type Proc (check the expressions section)
While(e, c)like C’s while(e){c}, e is an expression and c a command
CIfThen(e, c)like C’s if(e){c}
CIfThenElse(e, c1, c2)like C’s if(e){c1}else{c2}
CSeq(c1, c2)like C’s ; it allows concatenation of commands
CSkiplike C’s void and Python’s pass, it does nothing
Reflect(Str(…))reflection, see the reflection section


New(“x”, e)this allocates a new mutable variable of value e (an expression)
DSeq(d1, d2)allows concatenation of declarations
DSkipdoes nothing


NOTE :: to use the functional language only, please use expressions along with eval. Programs are only imperative.

Prog(<declaration>, <command>)handy syntax that puts it all together

String extension

A few functions have been added to deal with the domain of strings. Functions such as these are taken from the Python langauge, which has a very extensive and popularstandard library.

  • length comparison (Greater)
  • concatenation (Plus has been extended to allow this)
  • substring (Sub)
  • repetition (Multiply has been extended to allow this)
  • length (Len)
  • lowercase (Lower)
  • uppercase (Upper)
  • trim (Trim), trims all whitespace
  • Replace (Replace)

Check the examples section for some examples

Reflection extension

Reflection consists of allowing any string to be evaluated by the interpreter on the fly. In Python this is akeen to the eval function. This is also the most essential step to having a good interpreter: the interactive console for Python, one of the most popular interpreted languages, is often called R.E.P.L. (Read Eval Print Loop).

The syntax of has been extended with the Reflect command, which allows on the fly “evaluation” of commands. Unfortuately our language’s command syntax is recursive, and furthermore the CIfThenElse command uses expressions as boolean conditions, which are also recursive. Therefore, a full blown parser needed to be built to give a string some depth (such as that of an AST).

The reasoning is as follows:

  1. a function called next_unit is charged with grabbing the first word up until a ( or ) or , or multiple consecutive repetitions.
  2. to get the command to match against, next_unit is called on the string and the result is matched against some constants, taken from the language’s syntax
  3. to get a command’s arguments (which may be recursive and contain any amount of ( ) ,, caution must be taken to correctly identify the argument boundaries, which are all separated by a , comma. 2 options are given:
    by counting the number of open parentheses matched thus far, and decreasing each time a closed parentheses is found, it is possible to correctly identify the recursive structure of the syntax.
    recursive (but faster)
    since we know the amount of parameter each command needs, it is simply required to recursively reflect upon the arguments’ string as many times as needed. Of course, each time a command is consumed, it shall return the arguments’ string, so as to allow its father to continue looking for arguments.

Our interpreter implements the recursive and faster technique. Here is a simple ditaa drawing to illustrate the flow of this technique:

|  A(B(C(1), C(2), C(3), ...)) |
|                              |

| A | B   C   1   C   2
    | B | C   1   C   2           <----+
    +-------+-------------------+      |
        | C | 1   C   2                |
        +-------+---------------+      |
            | 1 | C   2       |--------+
        --------+---------------+      |
        | C | 2                        |
        +-------+---------------+      |
            | 2 |             |--------+

Taint-Analysis extension

Static taint analysis consists of understanding how much damage some unsafe elements (of undefined value but defined nature) will yield. A classic example is an unsanitized input on a HTML form, which may result in an SQL Injection attack and damage your company’s most valuable assets.

In our simple language, we have no operations that deal with the outside world (yet). We are thereforce forced to ask the user to label some variables in the environment and store as Clean or Dirty. Afterwards, we will analyze a program and check the Taint for every possible variable assignment. The semantic domains have been revisited, allowing memory (environment and store) to only contain tainted values (or store locations, in the environment’s case).

Our analysis is based on 2 simple concepts:

pure evaluation
a tor function will take 2 taints and return Dirty if one of them is as well, otherwise Clean. This process can be lazy.
  • All constants are Clean
  • If a function is involved (such as a Lambda) then the formal parameters are identified as Clean (as they cannot be expressions) and then the body is analyzed. If the body is clean, the function is clean
  • A function application requires a tor amongst the analysis of the function itself and the passed parameter.
  • If a condition is involved, then 2 outputs are possible. If the condition is Dirty, that means the attacker may choose either output and (regardless of the output’s default taint) will result in a Dirty value. If the condition is Clean, then either output may occur during execution, so they must be passed to tor.
imperative state change
all possible assignments in a command are gathered. Only the latest possible assignments matter (if i set x to Dirty and then Clean it is Clean).
  • Afterwards, we check whether 2 branches are possible: if they are, a tor function must be applied to all assignments of same key, merging the 2 branches.
  • If the branches are subject to a condition (such as in a CIfThenElse) then a Dirty condition will mean an attacker may choose amongst any of the 2 branches, therefore dirtying all assignments of shared key (amongst the 2 branches). If the condition is Clean, then the normal merge has already evaluated taint with tor.


check for some code examples.


Int(5)EInt 5
Float(133.7)EFloat 133.7
Plus(Int(1), Int(2))EInt 3
Multiply(Float(2.5),Float(10.0))EFloat 25
Greater(Int(3),Int(5))EBool false


Bool(true)EBool true
Not(Bool(true))EBool false
And(Equals(Float(4.5),Float(4.6)),Equals(Float(0.1),Float(0.1)))EBool false
Or(Equals(Float(4.5),Float(4.6)),Equals(Float(0.1),Float(0.1)))EBool true


Str(“hello world”)EStr “hello world”
Plus(Str(“hello “),Str(“world!”))EStr “hello world!”
Multiply(Str(“abc”),Int(10))EStr “abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabc”
Len(Multiply(Str(“abc”),Int(10)))EInt 30
Greater(Str(“two”),Str(“three”))EBool false
Sub(Str(“threeeeeeee”),Int(2),Int(10))EStr “reeeeeeee”
Upper(Str(“im so lonely”))EStr “IM SO LONELY”
Lower(Upper(Str(“im so lonely”)))EStr “im so lonely”
Trim(Str(” italia “))EStr “italia”
Replace(Str(“hello”),Str(“goodbye”),Str(“hello world!”))EStr “goodbye world!”

Functional Control Flow

IfThenElse(Bool(true), Int(1337), Str(“i am”))EInt 1337
IfThenElse(Not(Greater(Str(“bob”),Str(“mouse”))),Str(“ciao mondo”),Int(5))EStr “ciao mondo”

Functional Blocks

Var(“x”)EInt 20
xxx = LetIn(“a”,Int(3),Multiply(Var(“a”),Var(“a”)))EInt 9
LetIn(“a”,Int(5),(LetIn(“b”,xxx,LetIn(“c”,Int(6),Plus(Var(“a”),Plus(Var(“b”),Var(“c”)))))))EInt 20

Functional Subprograms

Apply(Lambda(“x”, Plus(Var(“x”), Int(1))), Int(99))EInt 100
Apply(RecLambda(“fact”, “x”, IfThenElse(Equals(Var(“x”), Int(0)), Int(1), Multiply(Var(“x”), Apply(Var(“fact”), Plus(Var(“x”), Int(-1)))))), Int(10))EInt 3628800

Imperative State Change

Val(“y”)EInt 10
Assign(“y”, Plus(Val(“y”), Val(“y”)))EInt 20

Imperative Control Flow

Val(“y”), Val(“z”)EInt 10, EInt 0
CIfThenElse(Not(Equals(Val(“y”),Int(11))), Assign(“y”, Int(50)))EInt 50, EInt 0
While(Not(Equals(Val(“y”), Int(100))), CSeq(Assign(“y”, Plus(Val(“y”), Int(1))), Assign(“z”, Plus(Val(“z”), Int(1)))) )EInt 50, EInt 50

Imperative Blocks

Val(“y”), Val(“z”)EInt 10, EInt 0
Block(New(“z”, Int(1000)), Assign(“y”, Plus(Val “y”, Val “z”)))EInt 1010, EInt 0

Imperative Subprograms

Val(“y”), Val(“z”)EInt 10, EInt 0
f = Proc([“z”], Block(DSkip, Assign(“y”, Val(“z”))))) in Call (Val “f”, [Val “z”])EInt 0, EInt 0


Val(“y”), Val(“z”)Failure ‘y’ not in environment, Failure ‘z’ not in environment
DSeq(New(“y”, Int(10)), New(“z”, Int(0)))EInt 10, EInt 0


Val(“y”)EInt 10
ereflect (“Plus(Plus(Int(1), Int(2)), Plus(Int(3), Int(4)))”)EInt 10
Reflect(Str(“Assign("y", Int(5))”))EInt 5

Taint Analysis

“dirty” is Dirty, “clean” is Clean

assign1CSeq(Assign(“x”, Val(“dirty”)), Assign(“y”, Val(“clean”)))
assign2CSeq(Assign(“x”, Val(“clean”)), Assign(“y”, Val(“dirty”)))
dDSeq(New(“x”, Val(“dirty”)), New(“y”, Val(“clean”)))
cCIfThenElse(e, assign1, assign2)
taint_analysis Prog(d,c)[(“clean”, TLoc 15n); (“dirty”, TLoc 27n); (“x”, TLoc 76n); (“y”, TLoc 41n)]
[(15n, Clean); (27n, Dirty); (41n, Dirty); (76n, Dirty)]

Noted Bugs:

  • reflection on the Reflect command is supposedly allowed (since it is implemented recursively) but OCAML’s escape of strings within strings is weird and needs some fixing…


imperative interpreter w/ reflection and taint-analysis in OCAML from scratch!







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