Department of Physics Graduate School of Science,
Tokyo Metropolitan University (expected)
Kazuaki Ohyama was born in Chiba, Japan in 2004. He learned basic electrical expertises at Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology.
- Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology (Tokyo, Japan) (Apr. 2019 - Mar. )
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Program (Apr. 2021)
- Inage lab (Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2025)
- Department of Physics Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University (Apr. 2025, expected)
- ...
- Associate Degree in Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Program, Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology, Japan. (Mar. 2025)
Spectrum resource shortages are expected due to the high capacity and speed of communication for extreme coverage in Beyond 5G. Meanwhile, allocating efficient, adaptive operations and ensuring new spectrum opportunities cannot be achieved owing to static and exclusive conventional spectrum management. To address this problem, dynamic spectrum access (DSA) has been proposed and DSA can perform varied spectrum control via spectrum sensing. However, expanding the DSA application area is difficult since wide area and real-time spectrum recognition cannot be obtained using conventional spectrum estimation methods. We proposed a new spectrum sensing by Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellation, placing the same satellites in a straight track based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) processing for spacial resolution improvement (See more).
Wireless Communication, Distributed Wireless Network, Resource Management, Spectrum Sharing, Spectrum Sensing, Beyond 5G, NTN, Satellite Constellation
- IEICE Junior Member
- 大山主朗, 稲毛契, 田久修, 藤井威生, "合成開口処理に着想を得た低軌道衛星コンステレーションを用いた協調スペクトラムセンシング," 信学技報, SR2024-112, vol. 124, no. 410, SR2024-112, pp. 59-65, 2025年3月, 京都 日本.
- SA (Student Assistant) (2022-2023)
- teach (Electromagnetism and so on) to student
- XPLANE Facilitator (Apr. 2023 - )
- 東京都産業教育振興会賞 (Mar. 2025)
C, Python
- Email: m20027"at"
- Office: None
- TEL: None