Objective of the game is to survive with highest amount of money.
- Game consists of two types of rounds: "share" and "punishment" played one after another
- Game continues until there are only two players left, at which point winner is determined by amount of money accumulated
- At the beginning of "share" round each Player is given 100$
- Players have 5 minutes to discuss how much they would like to share
- Players individually choose how much of 100$ they want to share
- At the end of "share" round, all money is doubled and split equally among players
- Players have 5 minutes to discuss who they feel should be removed from the game
- By the end of "punishment" round, all players have o declare their choice - you can choose noone
- If any player receives more than half of all votes - she/he is removed from the game
- Players not declaring are considered removed from the game