The mechanical engineer now transforming into the IT and software world. Eager to learn how things work, and how computers and applications are made. Open for any part-time job or other code-related tasks, projects, or work. Don't hesitate to contact me!
I studied mechanical engineering at the CTU in Prague. During my studies, I automated various tasks using Excel sheets and small Matlab and Python scripts. Repetitive work isn't my forte, so automation became a natural inclination. 😃
After two years as a mechanical designer of automation lines, I decided to dive into programming. My coding journey started with a basic Python course on Udemy. However, I soon realised that I could write code without really understanding its underlying principles.
This realization led me to enroll in 42 Prague, where I started from the ground up with C programming. After completing a four-week-long selection boot camp in October 2023, I was accepted as a student and I am currently finishing my 42 Prague Common Core studies.
Through C/C++ projects like minishell, where we coded our own little bash, or coding our own irc messaging server, I was close enough to understand the core functionalities of Linux, such as processes, sockets and so on. Now I am exploring how the web applications are made through the last project of 42Prague. I expect to gain more experience in full-stack development.
I am currently exploring microservices, Javascript, Typescript, Fastify, C# and SQL.
- Exam Rank 05 - CPP classes, inheritance, containers
- Inception - Docker, Docker compose - volumes, env, secrets, network
- ft_irc - basic chatting server
- CPP modules 05-09
- NetPractice - basics of TCP/IP addressing
- CPP modules 00-04
- cub3d
- Exam Rank 04 - microshell
- minishell
- Philosophers
- Exam Rank 03 - ft_printf/get_next_line
- push_swap
- so_long
- pipex
- Exam Rank 02 - strings, argc/argv, ft_itoa/ft_atoi, linked lists, etc.
- Born2beroot - setting up Debian on a virtual machine (disk partition, sudo, ssh, ufw, pass policy, crontab, etc.)
- get_next_line
- ft_printf
- Libft