DoctrineDatabaseBackup is simple library for speed up tests in your app. It could be used for PHPUnit tests or Behat tests running from command line. My target was to avoid wasting time for dropping/creating or purging database for each test, so I optimized it.
This library puts contents of database to memory and share it between every tests.
Notice: I don't recommend to use this library with large fixtures because it can cause huge memory usage. I prefer to run tests with minimal database setup because it is more readable for me and it have better performance.
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4",
"doctrine/orm": "~2.3",
"symfony/process": "~2.3"
- It supports SqlitePlatform and MySqlPlatform,
- It can create database backup per PHP process,
- It can purge database in fast way,
- It can restore database from backup before every test,
- It can restore clear database before every test.
Require the library with composer:
composer require lzakrzewski/doctrine-database-backup "~1.2"
/** {@inheritdoc} */
protected function setUp()
$this->entityManager = $this->createEntityManager();
$backup = new DoctrineDatabaseBackup($this->entityManager);
This database setup prepares clear database before every test. Full working example.
/** {@inheritdoc} */
protected function setUp()
$this->entityManager = $this->createEntityManager();
$backup = new DoctrineDatabaseBackup($this->entityManager);
$backup->restore(function (EntityManager $entityManager) {
//your fixtures
$entityManager->persist(new TestProduct('Iron', 99));
This database setup database with your fixtures before every test. Full working example.
Notice: that before first test of PHP process database should be created.
/** @BeforeScenario*/
public function restoreDatabase()
// "getEntityManager" is your own getter for EntityManager
$backup = new DoctrineDatabaseBackup($this->getEntityManager());