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Spring Boot Demo With Postgres

Spring Boot application demonstrating using Postgres as the datatabase for reading and writing records.

The application stores the created entity in memory.

Spring Boot application with Postgres database

Running The Demo

Build Spring Boot application with Java 17:

mvn clean install

Start Docker containers:

docker-compose up -d

Start Spring Boot application:

java -jar target/springboot-postgres-1.0.0.jar

In a terminal window use curl to submit a POST REST request to the application to create an item:

curl -i -X POST localhost:9001/v1/items -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "test-item"}'

A response should be returned with the 201 CREATED status code and the new item id in the Location header:

HTTP/1.1 201 
Location: 7c738768-7c29-43f4-bb39-e1638cffe97f

The Spring Boot application should log the successful item persistence:

Item created with id: 7c738768-7c29-43f4-bb39-e1638cffe97f

Get the item that has been created using curl:

curl -i -X GET localhost:9001/v1/items/7c738768-7c29-43f4-bb39-e1638cffe97f

A response should be returned with the 200 SUCCESS status code and the item in the response body:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 15:19:36 GMT


In a terminal window use curl to submit a PUT REST request to the application to update the item:

curl -i -X PUT localhost:9001/v1/items/7c738768-7c29-43f4-bb39-e1638cffe97f -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "test-item-update"}'

A response should be returned with the 204 NO CONTENT status code:

HTTP/1.1 204 

The Spring Boot application should log the successful update of the item:

Item updated with id: 7c738768-7c29-43f4-bb39-e1638cffe97f - name: test-item-update

Get all items that have been created using curl:

curl -i -X GET localhost:9001/v1/items

Delete the item using curl:

curl -i -X DELETE localhost:9001/v1/items/7c738768-7c29-43f4-bb39-e1638cffe97f

The Spring Boot application should log the successful deletion of the item:

Deleted item with id: 7c738768-7c29-43f4-bb39-e1638cffe97f

Stop containers:

docker-compose down

Component Tests

The test demonstrates the application reading and writing records to Postgres.

Component testing the Spring Boot application

For more on the component tests see:

Build Spring Boot application jar:

mvn clean install

Build Docker container:

docker build -t ct/springboot-postgres:latest .

Run tests:

mvn test -Pcomponent

Run tests leaving containers up:

mvn test -Pcomponent -Dcontainers.stayup

Manual clean up (if left containers up):

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Docker Clean Up

Manual clean up (if left containers up):

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Further docker clean up if network/other issues:

docker system prune
docker volume prune


Spring Boot demo with Postgres







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