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Kafka Streams Windowing Examples

Welcome to some simple examples of Kafka Streams Windowing capabilities. The project has a number of purposes

  • Demonstrate the basic behaviours and differences in the Windowing options for Kafka Streams
  • Explores the windowing types using tests.
  • Expand on the demonstration by creating a K8s environment in minikube that runs each of the window types

Window type examples & test

The test in each window-app can be executed via your IDE and stepped through to provide an environment for exploring the behaviours of each window

Build and Test using mvn

mvn clean install

Run in K8s - Setup

It is possible to spin up each windowing app in minikube and see the windows in action.
The setup includes: a kafka instance (and zookeeper), a data generator, an app for each window type, and instructions on how to consume the events for a complete e2e demonstration

For the K8s we will use minikube. A download/install guide for minikube can be found here:

Start Minikube

minikube start

Start Dashboard

In a different terminal start the dashboard

minikube dashboard

Configure to use minikube internal docker as docker host:

minikube docker-env
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)

Build the apps. Go to your checked out project and build with mvn.

mvn clean install

Then rebuild the docker image which so that it’s installed in the minikube registry, instead of the local one. The script will build all the apps for you. If you wish to build the apps individually, just copy the relevant command from within this script


Apply the k8s configs

The following scripts create the environment for us and deploy the stream apps.

kubectl apply -f  k8s/00-namespace.yaml 
kubectl apply -f  k8s/01-zookeeper.yaml 
kubectl apply -f  k8s/02-kafka.yaml 
kubectl apply -f  k8s/04-link-data-generator-app.yaml
kubectl apply -f  k8s/05-tumbling-window-app.yaml 
kubectl apply -f  k8s/06-hopping-window-app.yaml 
kubectl apply -f  k8s/07-sliding-window-app.yaml 

The deployment will be in the kafka-streams-windowing namespace. Once the services have sorted themselves out and established connections, you should be able to see them all running via the minikube dashboard

Observable Outputs....

What can we see? The link-data-generator logs contain the records being emitted Each window-app has logs containing:

  • a peek of the ingested record
  • a peek of the final event (window aggregation)

Consuming the outputs

Log onto the kafka pod and we can interact with kafka and consume topics.

create a bash session on the container

The following command allows you to jump onto the container with a bash session. You need to find the pod name to do this. kubectl -n kafka-streams-windowing exec -it <kafka-service pod name> -- /bin/bash

This command does the same as above, but discovers the kafka service pod name for you

kubectl -n kafka-streams-windowing exec -it $(kubectl get pods -n kafka-streams-windowing -o custom-columns="" | grep kafka-service) -- /bin/bash

note the nested kubectl command get the name of the kafka container to exec

List the topics available

/bin/kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list

list the topics then you will see the persistence recorded in the changelog topic payment-streams-app-ACCOUNT_AGGREGATED_TOTAL-changelog

Consume the

consume the outputs via the topic kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic <topic name>


kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic link.tumbling


simple streams windowing examples







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