Main changes:
- A new plugin is added for changing display backlight.
- The option "Show only active desktop" is added to Desktop Switcher.
- A basic country flag support is added to Keyboard status indicator.
- An option is added to Task Manager for moving window to next/previous virtual desktop with mouse wheel.
- An option is added to Volume Control for toggling volume notifications with keyboard.
- Better text eliding and painting of Task Manager buttons.
- Smoother menu search.
- Fixed icons of applications like Skype, Doscord,… in Status Notifier (new tray).
- Fixed cut text in World Clock.
- Icons are fetched in an appropriate size to avoid scaling and bluring in Task Manager.
- Fixed panel positioning with multiple screens.
- Made Quick Launch respect Panel's lock state.
- Override the menu icon size only if a custom font size is selected.
- Fixed a crash in LXQtTaskButton under kwin_wayland.
- Fixed high CPU usage in Desktop Switcher.
- Fixes and enhancements to the old tray plugin.
- Other code fixes and cleanups.