This repository contains the user interface of the vitrivr stack adapted to CityStories.
Cineast for CityStories:
git clone cs_cineast cd cs_cineast gradle jar
ADAM for CityStories:
git clone cs_ADAM cd cs_ADAM/docker/adamempty sudo docker build -t cs-adam .
Supplementary PostGIS database:
cd cs_cineast/docker sudo docker build -t cs-spatial .
cd cs_cineast && java -jar build/libs/cineast.jar
sudo docker run -d -p 5432:5432 cs-adam
sudo docker run -d -p 5433:5432 cs-spatial
cd cs_vitrivr-ui && php -S localhost:8080
- Open
in your browser.
In the collection folder, every image should rest in its own folder, e.g.:
├── 20120111_015410
│ └── 20120111_015410.jpg
├── 20120111_015417
│ └── 20120111_015417.jpg
├── 20120111_015518
│ └── 20120111_015518.jpg
├── 20120111_015523
│ └── 20120111_015523.jpg
├── 20120111_015632
│ └── 20120111_015632.jpg
To add the image collection to the backend, run
with the path to the collection. For example, using gradle
cd cs_cineast
gradle -PappArgs="['../cs_vitrivr-ui/collection']" execute