Lukas Lundström 2019-03-05
Total solar irradiance on a surface with arbitrary orientation and tilt, calculated according to ISO 52010-1:2017 [2]. This code was originally developed as part of this article [1].
Currently only available via GitHub, install by:
if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')
#> Loading required package: devtools
#> Skipping install of 'solarCalcISO52010' from a github remote, the SHA1 (7b4b54fb) has not changed since last install.
#> Use `force = TRUE` to force installation
The code is written in C++, so C++ compilation toolchain need to be installed to be able to install this package. has some further example
code on how to use this package for building energy simulation purposes.
The camsRad
R-package can be
used to acquire satellite-based solar irradiance data from
The ‘tests/testthat/test_data.csv.gz’ file holds climate data from the ISO 52010 standard: station DRYCOLD.TMY (Denver, USA), latitude = 39.76, longitude = -104.86, time zone = -7. The file also has validation cases calculated with the ISO_FDIS_52010_SS_ISO-TC163-SC2-WG15_N0075_20160705.xlsm spreadsheet provided with the standard. The result of the cases are stored in the following four variables: * I_tot_s1: azimuth=90, tilt angle=90 * I_tot_s2: azimuth=-90, tilt angle=90 * I_tot_s3: azimuth=-35, tilt angle=0 * I_tot_s4: azimuth=45, tilt angle=30
df <- read.csv("tests/testthat/test_data.csv.gz")
df$timestamp = seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2014-01-01 01:00", tz="Etc/GMT+7"),
as.POSIXct("2015-01-01 00:00", tz="Etc/GMT+7"), by="hour")
df$albedo = 0.2
df2 <- solarCalcISO52010:::tidyISO52010(
surfaceAzimuths = c(90, -90, -35, 45),
surfaceTilts = c(90, 90, 0, 30),
interp_perez = 0 # the validation data is calc with binned Perez data
df2$I_tot_s1 = df2$I_tot_dir_s1 + df2$I_tot_dif_s1
df2$I_tot_s2 = df2$I_tot_dir_s2 + df2$I_tot_dif_s2
df2$I_tot_s3 = df2$I_tot_dir_s3 + df2$I_tot_dif_s3
df2$I_tot_s4 = df2$I_tot_dir_s4 + df2$I_tot_dif_s4
df2$alpha_sol = df2$alpha_sol*180/pi
df2 %>% mutate(method="This package") %>%
bind_rows(df %>% mutate(method="Spreadsheet")) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
filter(timestamp < as.POSIXct("2014-01-15 01:00")) %>%
select(timestamp, method,
'Azimuth = 90°, tilt = 90°' = I_tot_s1,
'Azimuth = -90°, tilt = 90°' = I_tot_s2,
'Azimuth = -35°, tilt = 0°' = I_tot_s3,
'Azimuth = 45°, tilt = 30°' = I_tot_s4) %>%
gather(case, I, -timestamp, -method) %>%
ggplot(aes(timestamp, I, color=method, linetype=method)) +
facet_wrap(~case,ncol=2) +
geom_line(size=1) +
labs(y="Total irradiance, W/m2")
All C++ code is licensed under the New BSD License. All R code is licensed under the GPL-2 License. All documentation is licensed CC-BY.
Lundström, Lukas, Jan Akander, and Jesús Zambrano. 2019. “Development of a Space Heating Model Suitable for the Automated Model Generation of Existing Multifamily Buildings – A Case Study in Nordic Climate”. Energies 12 (3).
ISO 52016-1:2017. “Energy performance of buildings – External climatic conditions – Part 1: Conversion of climatic data for energy calculations (ISO 52010-1:2017)”