Assignment 1:
- upload files to instance
- setup flask, nginx, guinicorn
- run the app as : gunicorn app:app -w 4 -b localhost:5000
Assignment 2:
- Upload the folders to instance
- change ip in the files to your respective instance ip address
- go to each folder and run: sudo docker-compose up
Assignment 3:
- Set up a load balancer with rules on AWS
- Create 2 instances, upload rides to 1 and users to the other.
- Change the ip's as required.
- run sudo docker-compose up in each of the instance after cd'ing into the folder.
- send requests over load balancer ip
Final Project:
- Create 3 instances.
- create load balancer.
- Place each folder in a different instance.
- Change the ip's as required.
- cd into the folder in each instance and run the script "".
- you might have to run sudo docker system prune --volumes -a incase instance runs out of memory.
- send requests over load balancer.
- Test1.postman_collection.json is a postman collection we made on our own set of requests