A compendium of google scripts that I've done for both improve my productivity and fun.
A Google Script is a script that can be executed at Google's side and can invoke several libraries developed by Google, in order to interact with Gmail, Calendar, Drive, etc.
You can see a really good documentation here: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/gmail/
It's a little bit weird at the begining, you need to create a new SpreadSheet and the click on Tools > Script Editor. There will be opened a new window with the editor. You can write a function there and then run it with the play button.
You can run your script every time you want or configure a Trigger: At the Script Editor, click on Resources and then All your triggers. You can set a trigger like, for example: "Run my foobar function every 5 minutes".
Let's undestand what do these scripts can do for you.
- Let's say you contact people every day, asking for photos, projects, or what ever.
- Let's say every email you send contacting people has the subject "Are you interested?"
- Let's say you can label every mail you send (creating a filter by subject and adding the label "GS-Request" automatically)
- Let's say some people replies you (great!) and another people don't.
- Let's say if you retry contacting some people that haven't replied yet you can get new replies (great!)
So, trigger this script every 1 hour (more or less) and every email labeled with "GS-Request" will be labeled with "GS-RequestOK" (if the recipient replied you) or "GS-RequestPending" (if the recipient doesn't replied you yet) too.
Thus, you can see the label "GS-RequestPending" and retry contacting that person. When someone replies you, the label "GS-RequestPending" will be removed automatically the next time the script is triggered.
If you are managing an organization with more than 20 people and you are using groups for the different teams inside the organization, then you will be probably asked very often about the members of every group. If you execute this script you will be able to share a sheet with all the information :)
Do not hesitate in contacting me via twitter: @theluctus