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Security: lucasvr/hdf5-udf


Security considerations

Trusting user-defined functions to execute arbitrary code on someone else's computer is always complicated. All is fine until some malicious piece of code decides to explore the filesystem and mess around with system resources and sensitive data. This is such an important topic that several projects delegate dedicated teams to reduce the attack surface of components that execute code from external parties.

Because users cannot tell in advance what a certain user-defined function is about to do, HDF5-UDF uses a few mechanisms to limit what system calls the UDF can execute.


We rely on seccomp to determine which system calls UDFs are allowed to invoke -- the UDF process is terminated if it tries to run a function that does not belong to the allow-list. The following image shows the overall architecture of our seccomp-based sandboxing.

Trust profiles

Starting with HDF5-UDF 2.0, a private and public key pair is automatically generated and saved to the user's home directory (under ~/.config/hdf5-udf) the first time a dataset is created. The files are named after the currently logged user name:

  • ~/.config/hdf5-udf/username.priv private key
  • ~/.config/hdf5-udf/ public information: public key, email, and full name. The last two pieces of information are automatically assembled from hostname and /etc/passwd. Please review and adjust the file as you see fit.

A directory structure providing different trust profiles is also created. Inside each profile directory exists a JSON file which states the system calls allowed to be executed by members of that profile. Three profiles are created:

  • default: a sane configuration that allows memory allocation, opening files in read-only mode, writing to stdout and stderr, and interfacing with the terminal device.
  • deny: strict settings that simply allow writing to stdout and stderr.
  • allow: poses no restrictions. The UDF is treated as a regular process with no special requirements.

Signing UDFs

UDFs are automatically signed at the time of their attachment to the HDF5 file. The public key from and contact information from username.meta are incorporated as metadata and saved next to the UDF bytecode in the HDF5 file.

Associating UDFs with a trust profile

Self-signed UDFs are automatically placed on the allow profile. This means that UDFs you create on your own machine will run, on that same machine, as a regular process would.

HDF5 files with UDFs signed by a different user are automatically placed on the deny profile: the public key is extracted from the metadata and saved as ~/.config/hdf5-udf/deny/ In other words, when you receive a file from an unknown party and load a UDF dataset, the bytecode will not be able to perform any actions that require the execution of system calls (other than writing to stdout and stderr).

It is possible to change the trust level by simply moving that public key to a different profile directory. The next time a UDF signed by that key is read, the seccomp rules associated with that profile will be enforced.


It is possible to configure seccomp rules so that only system calls with specific arguments are allowed to execute. The exception is that string-based arguments are not processed by seccomp filters. Consequently, we have to combine seccomp with another mechanism to provide fine-grained control of path-based filesystem operations.

We use the ptrace interface to intercept system calls issued by the UDF. Attempts to access the filesystem are then checked against the trust profile associated with that UDF. Accesses that violate the list of configured paths lead the UDF process to be terminated.

There aren’t any published security advisories