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IPython Magics for rendering TeX/TikZ in Jupyter Notebooks


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Jupyter TikZ is an IPython Cell and Line Magic for rendering TeX/TikZ outputs in Jupyter Notebooks.

Demonstration notebook

A complete guide is available in the Getting Started Notebook.


pip install jupyter-tikz


Before installation, you should verify the dependencies.


LaTeX must be installed using one of the following distributions:


This application requires Poppler’s pdftocairo. You must install it beforehand.

Conda - Platform Independent

conda install -c conda-forge poppler


Download Poppler for Windows here. You must add the bin folder to your PATH.


Most distributions come with pdftocairo. If it is not installed, refer to your package manager to install poppler-utils.


Install using brew:

brew install poppler

Jinja2 (Optional)

Jinja2 is only necessary if you plan to use Jinja2 templates. To install it, use:

pip install jinja2

Basic Usage

To begin, load the jupyter_tikz extension:

%load_ext jupyter_tikz

Use it as cell magic, it executes the TeX/TikZ code within the cell:

    \draw[help lines] grid (5, 5);
    \draw[fill=black] (1, 1) rectangle (2, 2);
    \draw[fill=black] (2, 1) rectangle (3, 2);
    \draw[fill=black] (3, 1) rectangle (4, 2);
    \draw[fill=black] (3, 2) rectangle (4, 3);
    \draw[fill=black] (2, 3) rectangle (3, 4);

Or use it as line magic, the TeX/TikZ code is passed as an IPython string variable:

%tikz "$ipython_string_variable_with_code"

Furthermore, additional arguments can be passed to the magic command:

 %%tikz -i --rasterize --dpi=1200 -l arrows,automata
\draw (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
\filldraw (0.5,0.5) circle (.1);

Don't forget visit the Getting Started Notebook to learn more.

Additional Arguments

All additional arguments are listed below:

  • -p or --latex_preamble (str): LaTeX preamble to insert before the document, e.g., -p "$preamble", with the preamble being an IPython variable.
  • -t or --tex-packages (str): Comma-separated list of TeX packages, e.g., -t amsfonts,amsmath.
  • -nt or --no-tikz: Force to not import the TikZ package.
  • -l or --tikz-libraries (str): Comma-separated list of TikZ libraries, e.g., -l arrows,automata.
  • -lp or --pgfplots-libraries (str): Comma-separated list of PGFPlots libraries, e.g., -lp groupplots,external.
  • -i or --implicit-pic: Implicitly wrap the code in a standalone document with a tikzpicture environment.
  • -f or --full-document: Use a full LaTeX document as input.
  • -j or --as-jinja: Render the input as a Jinja2 template.
  • -pj or --print-jinja: Print the rendered Jinja2 template.
  • -sc or --scale (float or int): The scale factor to apply to the TikZ diagram. Default is 1.
  • -r or --rasterize: Output a rasterized image (PNG) instead of SVG.
  • -d or --dpi (int): DPI of the rasterized output image. Default is 96.
  • -e or --full-err: Show the full error message.
  • -tp or --tex-program: TeX program to use for rendering, e.g., -tp lualatex.
  • -ta or --tex-args (str): Additional arguments to pass to the TeX program, e.g., -ta "$tex_args_ipython_variable".
  • -s or --save-tex (str): Save the TikZ or TeX code to file, e.g., -s filename.tikz. Default is None.
  • -S or --save-image (str): Save the output image to file, e.g., -S filename.svg. Default is None.

Adding TikZ Syntax highlight

If you are using Jupyter Lab 4. You can add LaTeX highlight by using JupyterLab-lsp and editing this part of the code in the file extractor.ts:

    new RegExpForeignCodeExtractor({
      language: 'latex',
      pattern: '^%%(latex|tikz)( .*?)?\n([^]*)', // Add tikz support to this line
      foreignCaptureGroups: [3],
      isStandalone: false,
      fileExtension: 'tex'

For more information refer to this link.


Contributions are welcome from everyone! Whether you're reporting bugs, submitting feedback, or actively improving the codebase, your involvement is valuable. Here’s how you can contribute:

  1. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please report them using the issues page.
  2. If you're interested in developing the software further, please refer to contributing guide.


I had been using ITikZ for years. However, it doesn't update often and relies on the outdated pdf2svg to convert PDFs to images, which causes problems in Windows environments. Inspired by ITikZ and TikZ Magic, I decided to create my own package, adding new features such as the ability to work with preambles. I also switched from pdf2svg to Poppler, which works perfectly in Windows.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, Jupyter TikZ is free and open source software.


IPython Magics for rendering TeX/TikZ in Jupyter Notebooks







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