A suite of sythesiser objects that can be patched together to make complex sounds
- Function Generators: Sine, Saw, Square etc
- Filters of various kinds
- Envelopes, Delay Line etc
- Sequencers
- MIDI Controller Interface
- Simple interface for creating new kinds of syths
- Clone repository
- Download IntelliJ community
- Open repository at base directory in IntelliJ
- Use IntelliJ's prompts for SDK to install the correct Java and Scala SDKs
- Files in the
directory can be run
Simple example, a program that plays a 440Hz Square wave with amplitude of 0.1
object squarewave {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
play(0.1 * new Square(440))
A more complex example that makes a whole drum and bass loop from scratch. It uses the sequencer objects, plucking simulations, envelopes, utilities for working with musical scales and reverb
// Set a clock semiquavers at 180BMP
val clock = new Square(4 * 180.bpm)
// Sequences for the drums
val hatTrigger = new HoldingSequence(clock, "x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-")
val snareTrigger = new HoldingSequence(clock, "----x-------x---")
val kickTrigger = new HoldingSequence(clock, "x---------x-----")
// Drum sounds, damped harmonic oscilator for bass, filtered noise for snare and hats
val kick = new SoftPlucker(kickTrigger, 45 + 0 * new Sine(1) + new Sine(10), 0.1, 0.001)
val snareBase = new SecondOrderBandPass(new WhiteNoise(), frequency = 350 + 20*new Sine(1), damping = 0.5)
val snare = new LinearADSR(snareTrigger, 0.005, 0.15, 0, 0.1) * snareBase
val hatBase = new SecondOrderHighPass(new WhiteNoise(), 8000, 0.1)
val hat = new LinearADSR(hatTrigger, 0.02, 0.1, 0, 0) * hatBase
// Combine
val drums = kick + 2 * snare + 2 * hat
//Define pitches for bass line
val a :: b :: c :: d :: Nil = List[Interval](unison, minorSecond, majorSecond, minorThird).map(80.0*_.multiplier)
// the melody, at double clock speed
val melody = new BasicSequencer(
a, a, a, a,
d, d, d, d,
d, c, b, b,
b, b, b, b)
// Specify which notes are held, and when there is a start
val onValues = new HoldingSequence(clock.double, "- x x x x-- x x-")
// bass line with clipped sinewaves
val bass = new ADSR(onValues, 0.1, 0.1, 1, 0.1) * new Clip(new Sine(melody + new Sine(10)), 1+ new Sine(1))
// Create the a socket so we can loop back the signal from delay line to make reverb
val socket = new Socket()
val reverb = new DelayLine(socket + drums + 0.5*bass, 0.1)
val feedback = 0.1 * reverb
socket connect feedback
// Play the tune